The Peaceful & Sea

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The Peaceful & Sea

Today was a wild day today, I enjoyed my daily private life of recording songs and making couple tiktoks of cosplay and also uploading and sharing my photography with the world and fandom. I enjoyed the area of a peaceful apartment and having a river and some shops and station nearby.

Walking past in the daylight, I could sense the mountain view reminding of Hollywood place.

I decided to take a walk down the area and decided to chill watch the sunrise.

After seeing the mid sunset, I get a text message from Johnny.

JD: Hey Luv, surprise surprise, but I'm actually pulling up to your apartment. Xx

Y/n: Uhm? Sorry, I'm just in shock after realising it.

Y/n: I be right outside, I'm just in the park outside my apartment. X

JD: Where? Maybe I could go to you? I don't want you to be hurt. X

Y/n: Don't worry, Father Johnny, the place isn't so scary it's actually very peaceful and calm no one can get hurt. X

JD: Could you send me your GPS location so I can find you? Xx

Y/n: Sure! *drops down GPS location*

JD: Thanks, Sweetheart. X

JD: Myself & Malcom be with you shortly. X

Y/n: Okay! X

As few minutes go by, I look at the sunset once more, and I sence a car passing by, and I saw who got of the car. I couldn't believe my eyes, but it was the only person who I needed to hug.

As I heard my name shouting repeatedly, I ran towards him and hugged him.

"Ohh Y/n..... I've missed you so much." He says with each breath taken.

I smile. "I missed you too, father, like so much, I can't believe you're here, in this place.." I say while being anxious.

"Why wouldn't I be here. Im here for you, sweetheart.. the girl who said she needed me, and I shall always be here for you." He says, smiling, hugging me.

I smiled. "This place is amazing, but I don't know if anyone knows you, so we gotta keep a low profile for you in this area." I say smiling.

"Was you followed or hunted by anyone?" I ask him Continuely.

He smiled. "No, I wasn't followed, I'm just great to be here with you!"

I smiled. "That's great. Shall we head to my apartment now?"

While hugging him.

"Yeah, I would love to see what my dear y/n has been working on." He smiled as he kissed my cheecks.

I kiss him back in the cheek as we head to our car.

We sat down to our car and drew to my apartment that was only 2 minutes to drive  fast from one end to another.

As we got here. I took Johnny with me and his security to my floor. As I unlocked the door. I welcomed them in.

I start in. "Sooo does anyone want tea, coffee, or something strong?" I ask them both a question.

"I would like coffee, thanks, y/n. " malcom smiled at me.

"Oh well, okay, how many spoons of each?" I ask him.

"I think 2 will do." He says in his Scottish accent.

I smiled. "Okay, as you say so, sir." I smiled.

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