Logan's Version (scene 16) - Visit At First Sight

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The scene opens with Logan on the phone, speaking to Jesse's class teacher. Jesse, on the other hand, is playing a video game.
Logan: Ma'am, I can assure u Jesse is a sweet, brilliant kid. I practically raised him (pause). I've got no idea why he would say that; I wonder where he learned such from. (Pause) You know what? I'll talk to him (pause), OK? Bye. (Ends phone call)
Jesse: (drops the joystick, smiles at Logan) Hey, Teacher Liam.
Logan: (sits on the couch, exhales before asking in a baritone voice) Bro, the fuck? [laugh track]
Jesse: (frowns lightly) That's not a nice word, Teacher Liam.
Logan: But you said it to your friend, Lincoln, at school.
Jesse: That kid ain't nice. He deserved it [laugh track].
Zoey: (enters the living room with a plate of noodles she had just prepared in the kitchen) I heard Jesse being sassy. What's up?
Logan: Jesse threw the F bomb at school today
Zoey: (almost chokes) What? Why would you say that, Jesse?
Jesse: (defensive) Lincoln was being a nuisance, so I put him in his place.
Logan: Boy, I've told you never to tell him that.
Zoey: Yeah. (scoffs) Next time, call him a -
Logan: (quickly covers Zoey's mouth) No, no! One word is enough for Jesse to learn. [laugh track]. Jesse, no more bad words. Next time, tell Miss. B, OK?
Jesse: OK, Liam [continues to play the video game].
Zoey: (wonders for some seconds) Did you just take credit by stealing the one thing I was going to tell him?
Logan: (sarcastic) Zoey, let's not give him any ideas [laugh track].
Jesse: (invested in the game) Sweet! (He continues to play, but suddenly stops pushing buttons and stares straight at the TV, as thought he's frozen. His right pupil suddenly glows green. The camera does a close-up of this eye, followed by a speeding green wave of light. When the light opens like a tunnel, he sees Logan sitting on the couch).
[Logan: (facing Jesse) Besides, you shouldn't always play video games all day. It's very distracting].
(Logan's face quickly disappears into the speeding green light. The wave disappears, followed by Jesse's eye and his face in general. His eye colour regains its brown colour).
Jesse: (regains his senses. He exhales deeply and looks down at the game gadget in his hands) Wow.
Logan: (concerned) Jesse, are you OK? You were staring at the TV again without playing the game.
Jesse: (confused) Mr. Liam, how did you get here so fast? And back there?
Logan: Very funny, Jesse. I've been here for a full minute.
Zoey: I see. The video game is messing with your head. Happened to someone I know when they got a PS3
Logan: (rolls eyes) That was you. You pushed everyone at the mall just to get the last PS game available. You also hosed me down with a spray gun filled with pineapple juice, which I'm very allergic to. I was in the hospital for a week.
Zoey: (exhales) Logan, mistakes were made [laugh track].
Logan: (sits on the couch beside Jesse) Well, let's not jump into conclusions, sis. (faces Jesse) But Miss Zoey is right. Besides, you shouldn't always play video games all day. It's very distracting.
Jesse: (more confused) U said that before, Mr. Liam
Logan: (chuckles) No, I've not, big guy. But if I did say so, then you know I'm right anyway.
Jesse: (drops the gadget) I'm going to do my homework [laugh track].
Zoey: Is it just me or Jesse is acting like his former teacher? (Logan glares at Zoey) [laugh track]
Logan: Thanks for the compliments. (the doorbell rings, interrupting them) I'll get it. (opens the door to find Tracy and Mikey at the doorstep. He smiles warmly at the two). Well, if it isn't Max and Mikey.
Mikey: Don't you mean Max and Randy?
Zoey: Hun', don't make us tell lies. We've got a kid in the house [laugh track].
Tracy: Mikey, we both know you don't look or sound like Randy from that show [laugh track]. (The two walk in, and Logan closes the door)
The four are seated on the couch, watching a movie, while eating popcorn and drinking Coca-Cola.
Tracy: Man, I can't believe it ended like that. Why would you run back to the house?
Zoey: Yeah, always trying to get into bigger trouble.
Tracy: If it were me, I'd carry a weapon, say a gun.
Logan: Speaking of guns, Mikey told me u got shot several times as a kid.
Tracy: Yeah, those were the best times of my life
Logan: (confused) Wait, what? [laugh track]
Tracy: Took a couple of them in those tiny cups with my aunt a few times, and went to cloud 9.
Logan: Huh? U mean u got shots and not "shots", right?
Tracy: Yes, Duolingo. I meant shot cup, not shot gun [laugh track].
Mikey: Learn to listen, Logan. Before you get Traced to craziness.
Zoey: Oh, he already did [laugh track]. (Logan rolls his eyes in pain)
Jesse: (walks toward the four, holding a canned drink) Mr. Liam, I need your help to open this for me. Please.
Tracy: (mocks) Oh, look. Caroline's got a kid [laugh track] (Mikey, Zoey and Tracy laugh heartily, while Logan and Jesse stare at the two)
Logan: Is that what y'all call me when I'm not there?
Mikey: No, we actually call you Caroline's other version.
Tracy: Yeah, told her about it on Instagram. She's cool with it - not (everyone laughs again) [laugh track]
Logan: Whatever (Jesse gives him the canned drink to open).
Jesse: (Jesse suddenly freezes as he stares straight at the TV. A close-up of his green-colored pupil is shown, followed by the speeding green wave. It opens for Jesse to see Tracy coming out of the kitchen with a packed plate)
[Tracy: Oh, well. Good thing I get to take this plate of leftover noodles without everyone knowing about it].
(Tracy disappears almost immediately. The speeding green light is shown, followed by his pupil and finally Jesse's face).
Jesse: (regains consciousness before blinking a few times in confusion) What just happened?
Logan: (holding the now opened drink) Jesse! I've been calling you for hours.
Jesse: (still confused, but he takes the drink anyway) Sorry, Mr. Liam. It's just -
Tracy: (stands up) I'm going to get some water and not ruin this bonding moment.
Mikey: (also stands as well) Let me show you the kitchen.
Tracy: (scoffs) I'm not homeless, Rando. I know what a kitchen looks like. (smirks) But you're cute, so yeah [laugh track]. (As the two move towards the kitchen, Mikey excitedly turns to Zoey and Logan].
Mikey: She called me Cute Randy!
Tracy: Not even close [laugh track]
Logan: (as soon as they enter the kitchen, he turns to Jesse) Big guy, you've been spacing out a lot. Tell me it's Lincoln that -
Zoey: (cuts in) Very annoying class mate of yours. (winks at Logan) He's annoying and nothing else [laugh track]
Jesse: It's not Lincoln. It's the big lady. And she had a packed plate, and she said she's taking it without all of you, being here. But then, she was sitting here again like nothing happened.
Zoey: Tracy? Jesse, she's a nice lady. She wouldn't take anything without us knowing.
Tracy: (enters the living room, coming out of the kitchen with a packed plate) Oh, well. Good thing I get to take this plate of leftover noodles without everyone knowing about it. (looks at the three and continues) And when I mean everyone, I mean my neighbours. I always have a nylon bag with me [laugh track].
Jesse: That's what she said, too (Zoey and Logan stare at each other in confusion)
Tracy: Your kid's pretty smart, Carol.
Logan: (rolls eyes, irritated) Tracy, it's Logan, not Carol. They're NOT the same thing!
Tracy: Yes, they are. I just changed the GN to an RC and completely reversed your name. No biggie.
Zoey: She has a point, bro [laugh track].
Mikey: (comes out of the kitchen with a bottle of water) Tracy and I have to go now. We're going out tonight.
Logan: Please, do. I can't take any more of the Max jokes.
Tracy: (pouts as she walks to the door) Is it about the Candy Boy? There's no need to cry about it [laugh track]. Speaking of candy, I got this for Jesse here (brings out a few lollipops and bends to give Jesse)
Jesse: (Happily) CANDY! Thanks, Miss Tracy (smiles at a grinning Tracy, but her expression shortly changes to one of concern)
Logan: I thought you called her the big gurl.
Jesse: (excitedly) Yeah! Miss Big T works, too!
Tracy: (grins again as she stands upright) You're welcome, Jesse. But I've to go now. (Mikey and Tracy are about to leave, but the latter faces the siblings) And something's up with your kid's eyes. They don't look good right now.
Logan: (in realization) Zoey, he's probably stressed out from the video games and Lincoln. (stands to close the door) I'll try to check on him. Bye, Tracy.
Tracy: Bye, Carol (Logan slams the door, but hears Tracy telling Mikey) Your friend's got issues [laugh track].
Logan: (bends to check Jesse's eyes) Zoey, how did you even meet her? She's crazy. (stands upright) Jesse's eye is a bit red, though. He might be stressed. (Zoey's phone rings before she can reply).
Zoey: Excuse me, gotta take this (goes to her room to answer the call. As Logan packs the used plates and cups on the centre table, Jesse stands by the door, sucking on his lollipop. Once again, the camera slowly zooms in on Jesse's face; the pupil on his right eye changes from brown to a dull green, which he is oblivious to at this point) [Audience gasp track].
Logan: (sharply stands up with the plates, raises an eye brow) Did I just hear gasps of shock? [laugh track]
(Jesse's eye stops glowing; his gaze meets those of a suspicious Logan before he runs to the kitchen to avoid an answer. Logan is confused but brushes it off as thoughts in his head before taking the plates to the kitchen, ending the scene) [laugh track].

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