Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I decided to just go ahead and upload another chapter. I kept on thinking about it all last night so I just said, what the hell? :D

Hope you enjoy! ♥


I stared at my appearance in the full length mirror that hung behind my bedroom door. I tilted my head slightly, pursing my lips as I gave myself a once over. I had decided to wear my dark jeans with my favorite old converse, that I've had for who knows how long, accompanied with a simple white tank-top and a gray cardigan with large horizontal purple stripes. It was decent enough for the first day of school (well, my first day at this school).

I stared at my long wavy hair that seemed to be a complete mess above my head. I sighed heavily as I walked over to my small dresser and pulled out a gray clip. It was quite large and it will do the trick to tame the beast that decided to take over during the night. With a twist of my hair, I clasped the clip over and walked back to the mirror. Satisfied with my appearance, I smiled and grabbed a hold of my backpack.

Making my way downstairs, I was greeted by the scent of freshly made coffee. It was a surprise to smell that at this early hour due to the fact that my dad was usually out of the house and off to work before I even woke up in the morning.

I turned the corner and was greeted by a beaming smile. My dad was sitting at the dining room table with the newspaper in hand, no doubt reading the Sports section. That was really the only reason that he ever read it to begin with.

I dropped my bag on the floor as I entered the kitchen, grabbing the box of my favorite cereal and pouring it into a bowl.

"Morning. You ready for your big day?"

I couldn't help but cringe at his words, but he didn't seem to notice as he went back to reading whatever he was previously. I simply shrugged my shoulders and tried the best I could to not let the nervousness show in my features. Geez Rochelle, what the hell is wrong with you?

"I'm ready as I'll ever be. And come on dad, you make it seem like I'm getting married or something," I said playfully, rolling my eyes as I sat on the chair across from him. "And one question, what are you doing here?"

He peered above the newspaper with a raised eyebrow. I couldn't help but smile at the gesture.

"You know what I mean. You're usually out by the time I wake up."

He nodded his head knowingly. "Well, the boss told me that since it's my first day, he'll cut me some slack if I were to come late; and not to mention that I told him a little bit about you and how you were starting school here. So he said that he had no problem in me taking you for the first day."

I made a disgusted face as he said the last part, trying my hardest to not laugh as I noticed his reaction.

"Oh, is the young senior too old to have her daddy take her to school?" he asked in a mocking voice.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I continued my breakfast. Without anything else being said, I allowed my eyes to wander to the backyard. I stared out at the trees that seemed to surround every single inch of the back of our house. I wonder what could be out there. I'm not too much of an adventurous person, despite the fact that my dad and I always liked going fishing during the summer in the woods, but I was indeed a curious one. These forests seem to have a mysterious tone to them and I couldn't help the urge to explore. But that's when the memory of the wolf coming out of the trees entered my mind. Who knows how many wolves can be lurking about, just waiting for an idiotic human being to cross their path and have them as their afternoon snack? I definitely don't want to go in there knowing that these forests were the wolves' habitat. I'm too young to die!

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