Chapter 26-Marcus POV

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HELLO MY LOVELIES! I know you all have been waiting patiently for this next chapter and I thank you all so much for your patience. I know I have absolutely no patience at all and this writer's block was killing me! But no worries, I have a treat for all of you for being amazing fans of this book. You'll see it in the end of this chapter. ;D

Okay, enough of this babbling. ENJOY! ♥


Without a second thought, my teeth clasped onto the rogue's neck, enjoying the sweet taste of blood against my tongue as the sound of his neck snapping brought my wolf to howl in joy inside of me. He enjoyed himself as the life faded from its eyes, its body going limp against my hold. Letting him fall on the ground, I let out a piercing growl that brought most of the rogues to a halt as they stared at me wide eyed. They took several steps back, immediately recognizing my power radiate off of me as they took in my appearance. Being Alpha meant you were a lot bigger than ordinary wolves, so seeing me stand before them made them cower in fear.

The rest of my pack took this opportunity to lunge themselves forward, showing no mercy as they ended the lives of the pathetic rogues in front of them. My wolf stepped forward, letting out a howl that reached every ear in the clearing. My pack instantly recognized my wolf surface and they knew better than to step in our path as my wolf pounced on another rogue.

Growls, snarls, whimpers, and howls of pain surrounded us all as we fought. I was surprised to find so many rogues in the clearing. We may have been easily outmatched in numbers, but after a few minutes into the fight, it was clear to me that these rogues were inexperienced, which was a great advantage on our part. Most of the rogues were killed instantly as if they weren't even trying to fight for their lives. They made the right choice though. Trying to fight off an angry Alpha whose mate had been taken only hours before by his own flesh and blood never had a good outcome in the end.

I allowed my wolf to continue on his killing spree, enjoying the sights and sounds as the rogues fought until their last breath against my wolf. It was quite a sight to see and I relished every minute of it, but my mind was personally focused on something else. Wherever my wolf went crashing down on another rogue, I took the opportunity to scan our surroundings, smiling inwardly as I saw that my pack was indeed winning this battle. In the back of my mind I could sense some of my fellow warriors getting injured, but nothing too severe that can weigh them down as they proceeded on. It wasn't a battle I wanted to begin, but Malcolm had taken it too far.

'Son. Can you hear me?' My father asked through the mind link. I knew that he was well aware of my wolf being in control, which always made it harder for the human side of a werewolf to communicate with other pack members. But seeing as I am an Alpha, I had no trouble in doing so.

'Yes, father?' I asked, clear worry lacing my tone. I feared that he was in trouble and I could feel my wolf take a step back as he listened in on our conversation.

'Go and find Rochelle. We've got this from here.'

'Are you sure?' I asked uncertainly, afraid to leave my pack unattended.

It was as if I could see him shake his head at me, his voice sounding more determined in my mind. 'Go and get her Marcus. Now,' he commanded, using his Alpha tone. I would've been a bit angry at this, but the mere thought of being able to hold our mate in our arms again made my wolf forget about the rogues that surrounded him and push forward to find his mate.

If I were to say that finding her was an easy task, I would be lying. Not only were rogues trying their best to tackle us down, her scent was nearly impossible to track against all the other scents that overtook our sense of smell. The smell of decaying flesh and blood surrounded me, making my wolf shake his head to clear his mind. It was easy to pick up my father's and my friend's scents, but why was it so hard to find hers?

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