Chapter 24-Marcus POV

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HELLO MY LOVELIES! I've been trying to think of a best way to start this chapter, but I decided to just go with it. Anyway, for those of you who have been (secretly, lol) hoping for another Marcus POV, HERE YOU GO! ENJOY! ♥


I slowly made my way to my mate's house in my wolf form, my body aching from today's training. I understood my father's intentions with this whole training stuff, but sometimes I believed it was getting out of hand. Since I was the soon to be Alpha in the next three years, my father was making sure that I would get all the training necessary for me to take on the position. The thing was, I was more than ready. But with that whole rogue incident, he wanted to be on the safe side.

My body wanted to just lay down on the ground and take at least a five minute nap, but my wolf urged me forward. He wanted to see his mate before we both rested, but it was becoming impossible to keep my eyes wide open. Noticing my state, he pushed me back and immediately took over our body, quickening our pace as we neared Rocky's house. It wasn't until we exited the trees that my wolf came to a halt and sniffed the air, making me alert.

A low growl rumbled through his chest as he stepped back and allowed me to take control once again. It was such a quick motion that I nearly stumbled backward, but that familiar scent pushed my tiredness aside. I sniffed the air, my body stiffening when I recognized it. He was here?

Without a moment's thought, I trotted along the side of the house, sniffing every corner with a low growl continuously escaping my gritted teeth. The scent was fresh and probably a few hours old, but who knows how far he could've gotten by now. The only thing that concerned me the most was if our mate was okay.

We stopped in front of the house, perking our ears as we listened in on Mr. James' movements as he made his way through the house. I could hear his footsteps heading towards the living room which was where we were both currently standing, so we immediately inched our way to the side of the house where we knew we could not be seen.

Minutes passed before I made my way to the tree where I hid the shorts I would always wear every night when visiting Rocky. Shifting back into my human form and slipping them on with one swift movement, I jogged towards the porch before, rather forcefully, knocking on the door.

I could hear her father's heartbeat quicken as he made his way to the door, probably surprised at the loud knocking. Unlocking the door, he opened it slowly before his eyebrows furrowed and he took in my appearance. I guess seeing the guy that your daughter is dating half naked with only a pair of shorts on wasn't something you would want to see standing on your front porch at this hour of the night. He was just lucky I wasn't naked after catching that horrible scent and practically going on a killing spree if my mate was hurt.

"Marcus? What are you doing here?" He gave me a once over before asking, "Is everything alright? You look like something is troubling you."

Now I see where the whole observant nature comes from. I shook my head and gave him the best smile I could in the current state I was in. "Just fine. I was just doing my evening jog in the woods," I lied easily, straightening my stance as I peered down at him.

He raised his eyebrow before opening the door completely and leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. "At this late hour? I don't think that's the best idea to do, son. Especially when you're barefoot."

His eyes flickered to my feet before his eyebrows pulled together once again in confusion. I couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction. If only he knew. "Helps me think better. But I was just wondering if Rocky was home?"

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