Chapter 23

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HELLO MY LOVELIES! okay, so I'm not sure if this chapter will be short or not, but it's mainly a filler, just to let you guys know. And you know how in every movie and book there's a rising action before the climax? Well, here's the start of the rising action. Sorry to use these terms, I'm a film major. xD lol. Anyways, enjoy the chapter! ♥


The rest of the week after I returned home from the fishing trip went by rather quickly. The next thing I knew, it was already Thursday afternoon. Any 'ordinary' high school student would be relieved to find that it's almost the weekend again, especially when you're about to graduate in the next few months, but that wasn't me. Why might you ask? Well, although there had not been any more rogue sightings around the area, Marcus's father had been putting most of the warriors of the pack in training to fight off any rogue attack that may come our way. After that huge invasion that took place in the Red Mountains Pack, I guess Alpha Nicholas didn't want to be unprepared if that were to ever occur here. And with all of the training the pack had to endure, there were little to no people in the school this week. Some still stayed behind though, but a good majority of them were off in the Pack House training. Along with those who were there was my mate as well as Ethan, which explained why Sarah and I were currently sitting in an empty table in the middle of the lunch room.

"Please talk," Sarah whined, pouting her lips as she stared up at me with her green eyes. I couldn't help but laugh at her expression.


"It's too quiet around here! This place is like a cemetery or something."

I raised my eyebrow at her, placing the fork filled with broccoli back onto my plate. "You do know cemeteries have dead people, right?"

She waved me off and glared out the window, the same pout lacing her plump lips. "You know what I mean. It's just too quiet. I can actually hear myself think!"

I laughed, shaking my head as I proceeded into finishing my school lunch. "And that's a bad thing?"

"Yes! Especially when most of my thoughts consist of Ethan! I miss him so much. And I even miss Alex, which is hard to believe," she said, furrowing her eyebrows as she looked down at my plate with thoughtful eyes.

"I know. Alex is always the life of the party here. Without him, things are just way too boring." I paused, Marcus's face flashing in my mind and making my heart clench with sorrow. "But I know what you mean. I miss him, too."

She nodded in understanding, thankfully noticing that I meant my mate and not hers. That would've been awkward. We sat there in another moment of silence as I finished my food, Sarah finishing hers like twenty minutes ago, when I began to look around the room. I immediately recognized the three other humans that were in this school chatting amongst themselves with some of the pack members around their age. It was true what Sarah said, this place was too quiet. What once was a joyous, and rather noisy, place was now vacant with barely any inhabitants within it. Even most of the teachers were absent as they were in training as well. Unfortunately for those students who are still in the school, that meant we spent practically every day this week being cooped up in the library doing absolutely nothing. The bright side of it was that I at least had Sarah to entertain me.

I looked back at my friend, smiling at her expression before asking, "Why are you still here and not with the others?"

She smirked, shaking her head as she rested her chin on the palm of her hand. "Like if Ethan would allow me to train and put myself in danger if a fight were to ever occur." She rolled her eyes before sighing, dropping her hands and staring down at the table. "He's always looking out for me."

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