Chapter 19

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HELLO MY LOVELIES! I've been free lately so I've decided to go ahead and upload the next chapter where the party takes place. I will warn you guys that we will see Malcolm here in this chapter and I would love to hear your opinions on him. But before this, I would love to personally thank each and every one of you who has been reading this story so far. It means the absolute world to me that you guys have been enjoying the book so far. If you haven't, that's fine. I don't mind. :) But even though its not like some books here on wattpad where they have over a million reads, thousands of comments and votes (I highly congratulate those authors by the way) and my book will never compare to theirs, you guys have no idea how happy it makes me to wake up and see that I have more votes, comments, and reads for this book. So that's why, THANK YOU! I love you guys so much and you're the reason why I keep on writing.

Okay, I'm done babbling and getting all emotional. xD So here's the next chapter. Enjoy my lovelies! ♥


With a reassuring squeeze from my mate, we entered the house and was automatically greeted by some of the pack members that were standing nearby. Most of them had apologetic expressions, so I instantly knew that they were possibly eavesdropping the second they heard the car engine turn off in the garage. I couldn't help but blush at the thought. I knew that I was surrounded by werewolves and they were most likely able to hear my fast beating heart, but just the mere thought of them listening in on what my mate and I were doing only minutes before was just plain embarrassing. As well as rude if you were to ask me.

I simply smiled and waved at the pack members as they all bowed respectfully towards Marcus and I. Seeing as many of the people in school have done this gesture before, I wasn't bothered by it. Instead, I welcomed it. The feeling of being praised by the pack and finally acknowledging the fact that they had accepted me as one of their own was beyond phenomenal. I mean, here I was, probably the only human in a house full of werewolves, and they were all treating me like I had been around their entire lives. Even most of the adults that were standing about were sending me bright smiles and bowing in my direction. It was kind of weird getting it from them, especially those who were the elders of the pack, but I appreciated it nonetheless.

Marcus suddenly pulled me towards a corner of the room and made sure that I was pressed against the wall as he towered over me in a protective stance. To say that the action didn't stir something inside of me would be a complete lie. I could feel my heart quicken in pace but I tried to rid my mind of any naughty thoughts that I clearly shouldn't be thinking about at this very moment in front of all these people.

"You're doing a wonderful job, beautiful. How are you feeling?"

I shrugged, peering over his large form at some of the pack members before looking back into his eyes. "In all honesty, I'm doing pretty good. I just I'm at home."

A bright smile formed across his lips as he stared down at me. "I'm so glad to hear that. But Rocky, this is your home now. You shouldn't feel afraid of being around those who are your family."

I nodded. "I know that now." I paused, remembering what had happened earlier with Marcus and my dad outside my house. "And hey, why in the world did you do to my dad?"

His eyebrow raised in confusion. "Do what?"

"You know," I said, raising my hands in the air for effect, "that 'mumbo jumbo' crap you did so he could like you."

He chuckled, shaking his head as he leaned his arm over my head so he could get closer to me. That mere action made me gasp softly. Yeah I know, I'm such a drama queen. "I didn't do anything, Rocky."

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