Chapter 22

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HELLO MY LOVELIES! Okay, okay, DON'T KILL ME PLEASE! I don't want to waste time on the first part of the author's note but please read the one after. Anyways, ENJOY! ♥


My fast beating heart thundered against my chest as I dashed into the cabin, locking the door tightly behind me. The malicious growls echoed through the wooden walls, making me wince as I found the will to make my legs move despite them shaking uncontrollably beneath me. I was still dripping wet from the brief swim earlier, but the puddles I was leaving behind as I ascended the stairs were the least of my worries at the moment.

The second I entered my room, I locked that door as well and sat beside my bed near the window. Crouching down in a sitting position, I tried my best to ignore the gurgling sounds and painful howls that filled the forest air. I could only pray to whatever god that existed that Marcus, as well as my dad and the others, would be okay. From what I saw as I barely escaped that rogue that went to attack me, I knew Marcus didn't stand a chance against them. Then again, the major difference between his wolf's physique and their own was something that would definitely not go unnoticed. One can sense the Alpha power radiate off of him in waves, which explains why the other rogues seemed to hesitate on their attack.

A loud scratching sound snapped me from my thoughts, immediately making my body react as I grabbed the closest weapon I could find (which was actually my curling iron that laid beneath the bed). I slowly stood up, grabbing the spare towel that was hanging on the foot of the bed and wrapped it securely around my small, and now shaking, form. I made my way towards the window with the curling iron held tightly in my hand and high above my head, readying myself for any attack that might come my way.

The scratching noise continued, and it seemed to get closer and closer towards the window. Leaning against the window frame, I peered down at the ground, my eyes widening as I noticed what was the cause of the sound.

Merely a few feet below me was a ragged gray wolf clawing its way up the wall with menacing eyes that seemed determined to reach me. Our eyes locked and I could've sworn I saw it snicker before continuing its way up the house. Gripping the iron tightly in my hand, I prepared myself, waiting for the attack to happen. But it never did.

Instead, a large black wolf with white hair splattered across its dark fur escaped the forest's trees and lunged at the gray wolf below me. It snapped its large canines around its neck, ripping its head clean off. I winced at the sight as I saw the head roll around the ground below and the body fall with a loud thud a few feet away from where the head now laid idly on the grass.

I looked down at the black wolf, immediately recognizing that it was Alpha Nicholas who nodded in my direction before letting out a loud howl that made me instinctively cover my ears. The second his howl subsided, many large wolves emerged from the trees and went straight towards the front of the house where I knew most of the rogues were now standing. A large brown wolf, similar to Marcus and his dad's size, stood beside him and sent him a nod. It seemed to me that this was the Alpha of the current pack we were in and both of their eyes landed on me. I noticed the brown wolf's eyes analyze me before bowing respectfully in my direction. Without hesitation, I bowed in return, showing my respect for this mysterious Alpha. Without another word, the two wolves ran towards the scene on the other side of the house with loud snarls thundering into the air.

The second they left, I was not able to see any other rogues in the backyard. Letting out a sigh of relief, I placed the curling iron back on the dresser before something inside made me look back out the window. What I saw made my skin run cold.

My eyes met hazel brown ones that were all too familiar in my memories. A pair of eyes that now seemed to haunt the innermost parts of my subconscious mind along with the voice that accompanied them. My body shivered despite my body now being completely dry and standing in the warm room. My hands were as cold as ice, but they still managed to hold the towel securely around me.

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