Chapter 25

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HELLO MY LOVELIES! I do apologize for the long wait I have been constantly keeping you guys on. I've had a lot of stuff going on but that does not mean I am giving up on this book just yet. Okay, okay, enough with my babbling, lol. Enjoy! ♥


I awoke in the midst of darkness, my body aching from the long slumber I was previously in. I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my thoughts and hopefully clear my vision with little to no success. No matter how hard I tried to adjust my eyesight to whatever room I was currently in, my eyes failed me. The only sound I heard was the slow beating of my heart and the hoarse breathing escaping my dry lips. I looked all around, meeting only darkness until I decided to move.

I could hear the loud noises of what seemed to be shackles of some sort as I moved my arms. It was then that I realized that I was unable to move them. They were bound by something that was causing the noise as I desperately tried to fight my way out of its hold. Moving my hands to feel around the chains that now bound me to the ceiling above, I winced at the pain, realizing that the chains were a lot tighter than I believed them to be. The shackles gripped onto my bare skin, possibly leaving a permanent scar on either palm of my hand.

I sighed, allowing my body to slump down to its previous position as my feet scraped the dirt floor. I decided to feel around, try to look for something that would help me escape. The substance below me was somewhat muddy beneath my feet, but I fought the urge to shudder in disgust. It was then that I felt what seemed to be a small metal object lying a few inches away from where I now sat. Not once bothering to decipher the piece, I tried to bring it towards me the best way that I could until I heard voices outside of the room.

My body froze on instinct as I tilted my head to the side, my hair falling over my face as I struggled to distinguish the voices. They were muffled, the door (if there was any) completely blocking out any audible noise to enter where I was now being kept. The harder I tried to listen, the more difficult the task seemed to be. Predicting that whomever was outside was merely a few feet away from the entrance of where I was held, I continued on my mission to grasp onto whatever metal object was now lying close to me. With all the strength that was left in my body, I pulled the object closer until it was directly below my feet where I didn't need to stretch them out whatsoever. With my bare toes hovering over it, I tried my best to see what it was until I recognized its form beneath my touch. It was a key!

I had no idea if this object would be the key (no pun intended) to my escape, but I had little to no time to figure out if it was indeed the key to the chains that now bounded me to this spot because I could hear faint footsteps making their way towards me. Without hesitation, I quickly pulled the key under me, letting out a soft cry of pain as I struggled to pull myself upward. The chains burned against my skin as I grasped onto them, pulling myself up until I was positive that the key was now directly beneath my body. Hearing a slight turn of a knob in front of me, I quickly sat down, flinching as the metal scraped along my wrists at the movement.

Suddenly, a stream of light casted an eminent glow over the room, making me involuntarily close my eyes at the sudden brightness. Turning my head away from the door, I could hear a faint chuckle until I was suddenly back in the darkness I was previously in.

I could hear some sort of movement in front of me, causing me to open my eyes and try to see through the darkness. The soft rasping of dirt beneath someone's weight filled my ears until I noticed a match be lit before it made its way towards something. It wasn't until a second later that I noticed what the match was lighting was in fact a small candle that allowed me to see who was in the room with me. The sight caused me to gasp.

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