Chapter 18

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HELLO MY LOVELIES! I know this took longer than expected, but here is the next chapter my lovelies! But we are finally in the chapter where we're at the party! Well, the beginning of it. I'll try to make it as long as possible for you guys. And I'm done babbling, lol. I hope you guys enjoy! ♥


I stared at myself as I examined my outfit on the full length mirror. Biting down on my lower lip, I let out a soft sigh. I can't believe I'm actually wearing this for the party tonight. Rolling my eyes, I couldn't help but curse myself for this to happen. I had, unfortunately, allowed for Sarah to buy me an outfit this afternoon after school for the party. She didn't dare allow me to tag along, claiming that she knew exactly what I should wear and it should not only be a surprise to the pack, but a surprise to me as well. Isn't she just a great friend? Again, note the sarcasm. I mean, I appreciate her doing this for me, especially since I am not much of a shopper nor a fashion expert, so having her buy a complete outfit for me and do my makeup as well as my hair was something I appreciated more than she realized. I owed her big time.

She had left an hour ago and I was left staring at myself with a nervous expression on my now painted face. Okay, so I didn't look like a clown or anything, but I wasn't used to wearing makeup, let alone a dress that hugged my body in all the right places. It was a one shoulder attire that had large black and white horizontal stripes. It reached just above the knees, not exposing too much skin. Sarah had decided to accompany the dress with a bright, thick red belt that hugged my waist perfectly. Along with the belt, she bought me a pair of red stilettos with a red bracelet, red earrings, and a ring with a large red jewel on top of it. This girl had seriously gone overboard with the red thing. My nails were even painted the same shade! Her answer to all the red accessories was that it matched the same shade of red my cheeks always seemed to be around Marcus. And of course, I had to blush for that.

I turned my body slightly, analyzing my figure. I had to admit, I really did look good in it. It showed off my figure a little bit more than I had anticipated, but it was still proper for a party where you'll be meeting your mate's parents for the first time in person. Well, his mom for the first time and dad for the second. You know what I mean.

I fixed my hair a little, which was now falling flawlessly over my shoulders, covering any exposed skin the dress gave off. Sarah had decided to put it in soft curls that fell effortless along my back. When it came to the makeup, she had settled for a smoky eyed look to make my hazel green eyes 'pop', like she had put it, and painted my lips a similar shade of red as my accessories. For this, she didn't over emphasize it, meaning she only brushed my lips ever so lightly with the lipstick, not making them seem like I had drunk blood hours earlier and had forgotten to clean it off. All in all, I looked stunning, if that was even possible. Okay, I admit, I have a horrible self-esteem and barely bother to dress up for occasions like this. Not like I have ever been invited to places anyway.

"You ready there, kiddo?"

I jumped at the sound of my dad's voice coming from downstairs.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute!" I called out, giving myself a once over before grabbing the small clutch that lied on my bed. And, you guessed it, it was red as well. I was beginning to think that was Sarah's favorite color.

Making my way downstairs, I tried my ultimate best to be careful not to slip and fall and ruin my attire (which I might actually do due to my clumsiness). I stopped on the bottom step, staring into my dad's eyes who were opened wide as he took in my appearance. A small smile played on his lips as I noticed his eyes glisten under the small light that hung over our heads in the hallway. I couldn't help but blush and look down at my feet under his gaze. Why was he looking at me like that? He's seen me dress up before for Christmas and New Year's. What was so different about this time?

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