Chapter 16

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HELLO MY LOVELIES! This chapter follows what happened in the previous one. I want to thank those of you for voting. I really appreciate it and your reads and votes keep me going every single time! I LOVE YOU ALL! ♥ :D

This chapter has a little secret that hasn't exactly been discovered in the werewolf world yet (in my werewolf world that is lol), and you'll find it out more in the next chapter when I can upload it this week. Since finals are coming and I still have time to study, I decided to upload this chapter and have you guys wait for the next one which is where more things will happen.

Okay, I'm done babbling. HAPPY READING TO YOU ALL! ♥


It was extremely difficult to fall asleep with that huge wound embedded on my chest, but I had actually managed after a long hour or so. I was sound asleep until the sound of my window snapping shut awakened me. I sat up slowly, wincing at the small surge of pain that shot through my right side of my body as I waited for my eyes to adjust to the large figure standing before me. I blinked several times until I saw the face of an angel staring down at me with perturbed eyes. I smiled up at him, patting the bed beside me as I cautiously moved to my left so he could have more room.

I stopped short, noticing the worried lines on his forehead as he stared down at me, his body tensed. "What's wrong? Is everything alright?" He nodded, slowly sitting down on the bed facing me. "Is everyone okay? Did anyone else get hurt?"

His eyes tightened, turning a darker shade as he stared down at the bed. "Not everyone," he muttered, his hands clenching and unclenching on his lap. He was only wearing a pair of shorts, which is how he always entered my room, but even his delicious looking abs weren't a distraction to me this time.

I sighed, absentmindedly passing my fingers over the shirt that was still tightly clasped around my chest. Instead of wearing the usual tank-top and shorts I wore to bed every night, I was instead wearing the same large shirt Sarah had gotten me so my dad wouldn't notice. He would be freaking out if he were to see that. More importantly, he would assume is was one of the wolves that had attacked me without him knowing and he would immediately want us out of here. It was the truth, yes, but not entirely.

"I'm fine," I whispered, never once meeting his heated gaze on me. "Alex and Sarah took good care of me today. They said I would be fine in the next few days."

A low growl escaped his throat, causing me to jump, only to wince after the pain erupted inside me once more. I really had to be careful with my movements.

"You're not," he said flatly, his eyes now obscured.

I looked up at him, reaching out my left hand and placing it genuinely above his clenched ones. "It's nothing Marcus. I'll heal in no time." I tried my best to reassure him, but it did nothing of the sort.

He tore his hands from underneath mine and within a second, he was standing near the window, running his hands through his hair as he continued to growl lowly under his breath. His chest heaved up and down rapidly as he desperately tried to calm down his wolf, who seemed to be closer to the surface than ever before.

"I should've been more careful," he muttered, his muscles flexing. Even though I didn't like seeing him his way, I couldn't help but drool at the sight of it. Snap out of it Rocky!

"You didn't do anything wrong Marcus. It's no one's-"

"Yes it is, Rocky! It's my fault!" He growled, turning back to me. "I should've been more careful and seen that damn rogue heading my way, but I was too distracted by Ethan who had about three wolves jumping on him. I should've seen it coming. I know what happens when a werewolf is hurt and they've already found their mate. I should've been more careful. And since I wasn't, I'm fully healed and you're..." his voice trailed off as I noticed his eyes glisten under the small amount of light that entered the room.

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