Chapter 10: I Want You

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Zack POV

                I answer the phone without checking the caller id, "Hello?"

"Zack, it's me. I have your answer." Brooklyn. I talked to Mike about yesterday and he said I should be totally honest about what happened with Tess a few years ago. Maybe it would work out in my favor, I didn't love Tess and I was too big of a player to take any responsibility but now I'm older and I've changed.

"First, before you tell me anything I need to ask you something." Why am I so nervous, I'm never nervous?


"Did Tess ever tell you what happen between us?"

"She tells me a lot of things every day, can you be a little more specific or just tell me what you want to tell me? I don't have all day." I knew she was lying about everything but I couldn't say anything, scared of her reaction, she's been all over the place recently.

"Don't say anything till I finish. So a few years ago we did a friends with benefits thing and she got pregnant. I told her I couldn't be a father at 15 and if she wanted to have the baby, she could but I wouldn't be in the baby's life. The only reason I'm telling you this is because I never loved her so I didn't want to be in a relationship with her but I love you, so of course I want to be in a relationship with you. I promised myself, when I'm older, the next baby I have I won't be a jerk about it, take responsibility and be in the baby's life. I've always wanted you to carry my baby because I love you so much and you're such an amazing person and you're going to be such a great mother to our baby. Sorry that was all over the place and rambling about a whole bunch of stuff you don't care about." I was so frigidity after saying all that. There's a 50% chance she would totally ignore everything I said and leave me here looking like an idiot or she can give me everything I ever asked for.

After a few moments of silence she answered, "I know" she sighed, "Tess told me everything earlier. I was just waiting for it to come out of your mouth. My answer is maybe. I just need more time, everything is happening so fast and its stressing me out so much. Stress isn't good for the baby. I'll have your answer tomorrow, I need to sleep on my original answer and everything you just said. And also what's best for the baby, my mom always put my sister and I first and I want to do the same thing to children." She hung up before I could answer.

I didn't just love her, I was in love with her. Hopefully, she makes the right choice.

Brooklyn POV

                I tried on the stuff we bought at the mall. I dumped the contents and noticed something I didn't buy. Lingerie. Tess bought it when I was in the bathroom, god I'm going to kill her.

                After I tried on everything I thought about my answer, my answer has to be no. Zack said that he loved Tess, now my best friend is without a baby. Players never change so obviously he's not going to. He doesn't love me at all, it's all just ideas for my head. I know I said I would do what's best for the baby and this has to be best for the baby. I still have no idea who my father is. He left because of me and that really hurts. My mom and sister never talk about him and there are no pictures of him anywhere. My father's name isn't even on my birth certificate, my sister won't show me hers. I don't want my baby to go through the same thing I went through when I was younger, now I keep telling myself I've excepted the reality but honestly that's a compete lie and some nights my mystery father is all that I think about. Another reason is I can't explain to my poor baby that the father left us because of a stupid decision I made. I'm sorry Zack, but the answer is no.


It's Sunday night and I promised I would tell him my answer.

                "Hey Brooklyn!" No, he sounded so happy, I can't tell him.

                "I realized I called the wrong number. Sorry bye." That's the worst lie I've told in a while.

                "Brooklyn. Stop lying. Tell me my fucking answer. I have waited so long, I don't have time for your nonsense." He said with such attitude. Can't believe I even considered being in a relationship with him.

                "You know what, you just made this so much easier. My answer is no. you're a jackass and I don't want that around my child and I will never be in a relationship where the guy yells at me. You better stay the fuck away from me and my child. As soon as I get off the phone, I'm going to block you and don't you dare talk to Tess, she actually made this a lot easier for me to tell you no. I can't believe I fell for you. Good bye Zack." Did I just confess that I fell for him?

I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. God, I hate him so much. He got me pregnant and now he's lying to me to make himself look better, unbelievable.

I felt sick and ran to the bathroom, throwing up everything inside me plus some. I feel light headed and everything starts to have dots around them, slowly the dots got bigger and everything goes black.


I wake up in my bed with a wet wash cloth on my head. What happen? I look to my left, nothing then to my right, Zack with his head in his hands and his body was shaking. Wait, what is he doing in my room?

"Zack? What are you doing here?" I whispered. His head shot straight up.

"God Brooklyn you're ok. How do you feel?" His eyes were blood shot, what have I done?

"My head kind of hurts? What happen?"

"I don't really know. All I know is I got off the phone with you and I had to talk to you. I came here and noticed you weren't in your room but the bathroom light was on and the door was open so I went in there. I saw a bunch of throw up everywhere and your hand clutching your stomach. I picked you up and brought you to your bed. From what I know, you were out for about half an hour but we got off the phone about an hour and a half ago so who knows how long you were really out."

"Thank you. Look, I know you're going to argue with me but this is the best I can do right now. We can be just friends and go from there. But before that, you need to decide right now if you're all in or not, it's either 100% or none at all. I'm not letting my baby grow up without a father that left."

"Of course 100%. I wasn't going to tell you this but oh well. I don't just love you, I'm in love with you. You and this baby mean the absolute world to me. I see a future with us. I see us with a house near the beach with our 3 kids and we are so happy with the family we made. Think whatever you want but I want us to be a family. I don't give a shit that when we have this baby we are going to be in college, all I want is us and everything else doesn't matter, I'm so in love with you it hurts. Please Brooklyn."

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