Chapter 14: Daddy's Back

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Brooklyn POV

Now since my family knows I'm pregnant, I can walk around in tighter shirts. God I missed them so much. I'm now around 15 weeks pregnant and in a few weeks, Zack and I get to find out the sex of the baby. Zack wants a boy so he can teach him football when the baby's a little bit older, yet he wants a girl to spoil rotten. Even though we wouldn't have a lot of money, Zack would spoil that baby girl rotten. I will always want a girl, boys are such pigs and they're harder to push out, the less pain the better.

Zack is over because he has nothing better to do. We also have an appointment to check on the baby but that's not for another hour. Since Zack is here, we're looking at houses for our growing family. We are thinking about a house in Santa Monica because it's in between Malibu and UCLA, where we're planning on going to school. We have a lot of money because both of our parents are pitching in a lot of money to support us and currently we have great paying jobs. I work as a secretary for a huge CEO in Los Angeles and Zack is the manager of some sporting goods store.

The ideal house for us in at least 5 bedroom, 4 ½ bath, outdoor pool, deck or some kind of family area, big backyard, huge kitchen, and it needs to be near the beach. We were hoping to grow our family so we were looking for a bigger house than we currently needed. We found a few that we like that we are going to look at after we find out the sex of the baby.

We have the appointment in about half an hour so we have to get ready. I put on a maternity tank top, jean shorts, and flats. I'm trying to wear all my tight shoes before my feet swell up and I, unfortunately, can't wear them anymore. We drive in Zack's Porsche because my car is in the garage and I don't feel like getting it out. He needs to get a new car soon because this car isn't exactly the best car for a baby.

We get the doctor's office and I go sign in while Zack grabs us a seat. It's really crowded here so hopefully, we get called in soon. About 20 minutes later Nurse Jackie calls us. We are directed to go into the pink room. The rooms are colored here so you shouldn't miss the correct room.

"Hi Brooklyn, do you mind lifting up your tank top for me. Remember the gel is cold." I obeyed. I couldn't wait to see my baby. Zack reached for my hand and locked his fingers with mine, squeezing every once and a while.

Nurse Jackson waved the wand around my stomach, searching for my baby. "That's your baby right there" Zack squeezed my hand and had the biggest grin plastered on his face "So your baby is roughly the size of an apple. I can't tell the gender right now because it's too early but in around 3 weeks you can come back and I can tell you the gender if you would like to know."

"We would love to know, " Zack said, still grinning.

"When you leave we can schedule the next appointment for you. Would you like a picture to take home with you?"

"Yes, thank you."

"O, I'll have the front desk give it to you when you schedule your next appointment. I'll give you two a moment alone." She gave me a paper towel before leaving us alone in the room.

When she left, Zack voluntarily took the paper towel from my hand and wiped the gel off my belly. "I can't believe that's our baby," Zack says.

"Thanks. I can't wait to meet her."

"Or him."

"I'm sorry. I can't wait to meet him or her. Can we get ice cream on the way home?"

"Sure. Pregnant women and their cravings." He muttered the last part to himself.

"Hey! You did this to me."

We walked to his car in silence after scheduling my next appointment. There was never really anything to talk about which I didn't like. Yeah I liked the quiet every once and a while but it sometimes got a little boring. I wanted us to be that one couple that never stops talking or laughing but I guess we skipped that step, well we skipped pretty much all of them and we are now sort of working backwards. I honestly didn't want to be pregnant first but I guess that's my reality even if I don't like it or want it.

We stopped at the ice cream shop near my house. I got Nutella ice cream because that's all I've been craving lately. At least I like Nutella and it's not pickles. I needed to ask Zack about getting a new car soon but I honestly didn't know how to ask. What do I say like when are you planning a new car or this car might kill our baby? Why is this so hard? So let's wing it.

"Hey, are you going to get a car for when the baby comes. This car only fits two people and I don't exactly want my baby to be in danger."

"Yeah. I was going to go to the dealership with Mike next week."

"Great. Let's go look at more houses, I kind of like it. I feel more mature."

"Ok Brooklyn."

We got to my house and there was an unusual car in my driveway. None of us own a Toyota Corolla, somehow we all ended up with expensive cars, pays to have a very well respected doctor as a mom. I walked inside my house to hear my mom talking to some guy in the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen to see why the guy was.

"Hello, Brooklyn. Your mom tells me you're pregnant." The guy said

"I am? Can I ask you are?" I asked while taking a sip of the water my mom had out for me. She always has a full glass on the counter when I get home from appointments.

"Brooklyn-" my mom started.

"I'm your father." I spit whatever water I had in my mouth all over Zack.

"I'm so sorry Zack. I didn't mean to." I turned my attention back to my 'father', "My what now?"

"Your father."

"What the fuck are you doing here? You left 18 years ago, why don't you go another 18?"

"That's not how you talk to your father." That asshole has the nerve to call himself my father after all these years.

"I don't give a shit about who the fuck you are. I want you out of my house and don't you dare go anywhere near me or my family again." I left the kitchen before he could say anything back.

"Brooklyn!" I heard from my mom and Zack. I didn't even know his fucking name and he has the nerve to talk to me. I continued on the way to my room even though people were calling my name.

After a few minutes, Zack came into my room. "Hey Brooke, you ok?"

"Fabulous." I spit out sarcastically.

"Forget about him. He hurt you so much and you don't need to go through all that pain again if he decides to leave again."

"What am I supposed to tell the baby? Grandpa left when he found out grandma was pregnant with me, then he came back for a few months to leave again. No, I'm not going to do that. I want him in none of our lives. I don't care what Melissa or my mom does, but I want us to stay the fuck away from him."

"I don't care about him. I only care about you Brooke. You do whatever you feel comfortable with and I will love you no matter what you choose. We will always be a family with or without him."

"I love you so much Zack."

"I love you too doll."

I may not have the perfect family with my parents but I somehow have it pretty good. I have Zack, Melissa, my mom, and this baby and that's all I need to be complete.

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