Chapter 34: Away

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Brooklyn POV

"Brooke, honey, why are you in the nursery?" Zack asked concerned, as he came into the nursery.

"I wanted to see our baby girl but I can't find her. I'm such a bad mother that I lost my child on the first full day home." I felt awful that I had already lost the baby, I felt like a horrible, irresponsible parent. I kind of felt like I was turning into my sorry excuse of a father.

"Sweetheart, the baby is at the hospital, remember?"

"Why? What's wrong with my baby? Why does she need to be in the hospital?"

"Brooke. Don't you remember what happen?"

"Yeah, I had my baby?"

"No honey, you had a stillbirth remember. The impact of your landing made the baby pass away." He was lying. There's no way in hell was daughter was no longer alive.

"That's not true. Don't lie to me."

"Honey, I'm not lying. Unfortunately thats the truth. I'm sorry sweetheart."

"Whatever." I said in monotone. I couldn't listen to this bullshit anymore.

"I think you need to go see a therapist Brooke. It's the only way to help you get better."

"For the last fucking time, I'm not going to see a fucking shrink! I'm fine." She screamed.

"Brooke please, go see a-"

She interrupted me before I could finish my sentence. "I swear to god, if you suggest therapy one more time, I'm leaving."

That instantly shut him up. Finally. I know he wants whats best for me, but there's no way in hell I'm going to pour my heart out so a shrink, especially since that person is a complete stranger.

"Brooklyn Davis, for the love of god, will you please at least get out of this room."

"Couch! You're sleeping on the fucking couch or in the guest room tonight. I can't deal with you anymore."

"Ok, if that's what you want. I'll be in the guest room if you need anything."


It was around 1 in the morning so I knew Zack was sleep. I grabbed a Nike duflel bag from the closet and started packing essentials, like clothes, shoes, make up, etc.

At around 2, I was all packed up. I quietly walked downstairs to the front door. I went grocery shopping earlier and never put my car back in the garage, so now I don't have to open the garage door and create a racket and possibly wake Zack up. I put my bags into the backseat of my car. I walked to the drivers seat and got in. I put the keys into the ignition and pulled out of the driveway.

My first stop was Las Vegas since I booked a hotel there. I booked it on The Strip so I could hang out in Vegas for a few days before I continued my journey. The drive took me a little less than 4 hours since there was pretty much no one on the roads until I got closer to Vegas since most people wouldn't be on the road at this hour.

I parked my car into the hotel lot and grabbed my bags out of the car. I walked inside to the reception desk and asked for the keys to my room. I decided to only pay in cash for this trip so no one could track me down. I had my phone but I turned the Fnd my iPhone app off so Zack couldn't trace me. No one knew I was leaving and I honestly didn't know when I was coming back to Los Angeles, if I do end up going back.


Zack POV

I woke up the next morning to absolute quiet. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked the time. It was 11:30. I don't remember the last time I was able to sleep this late. Brooke was always up early from the pregnancy so 11 was such a weird time to be just waking up.

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