Chapter 32: Life As We Knew It

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Zack POV

-------------- Previously--------------

"Where is our daughter?"

"I'm sorry-" The doctor started.

"I understand I missed the birth, thats fine I guess but can I see my daughter?"

"I guess but there's something we need to tell you first. But you might want to sit down first."

I sat down not really knowing what to expect. "What?"

"You're wife landed on her stomach. The baby was stillborn. I'm very sorry sir."

I just started to laugh, his joke was funny but it wasn't the time for any type of joke. When he didn't start laughing, it hit me, it wasn't a joke. Everything was sitting me so hard, so fast, i didn't know what to do or how to handle everything going on. None of this was supposed to happen.

"Would you like to see her?" the doctor asked.

I nodded my head yes, not wanting any words to come out. He led us out of the room and into a different room, a very depressing room. He took me over to an area that was covered with a gross, green curtain. He pulled it to the side and I saw my beautiful child.

I walked over to her to get a better view. She had Brooke's beautiful eyes, and a small nose that looked just like mine. I touched her tiny hand and it was ice cold, along with her little toes.

I couldn't do it. I left the room and ran to the men's room. I ran over to the sink and just broke down. I had lost one of my favorite girls that I loved so much. I remember every time I would place my hand on Brooke's belly, she would kick exactly in the spot of where my hand was.

I leaned down on the wall and just sat down on the sterile floor. I put my head in my hands and just cried.

I needed to call someone, someone to help me get through these next few days. I pulled up my phone from my pocket and called Mike.

"Hey man."

It was too hard to say anything but I accidentally sniffled.

"Zack what happen?"

"Can you-" I took a deep breath "can you come to the hospital?"

"Fuck. i'm coming. Where are you?"

"Bathroom in the maternity ward."

"Shit. Zack stay where you are. I'll be there as soon as I can."

About fifteen minutes later the bathroom door was flung open. Mike came running in and when he saw me, he crouched down on the floor so he was at eye level with me.

"What happen? Zack you're scaring me. What happen?"

"She fell."

"But why is she in the mater-oh my fucking god. Is Brooklyn doing ok? How is she holding up?"

"She's in a coma."

"That is fucked up. What happen to the baby?"

"She's stillborn. I'm not going to be a father anymore." I broke down again. I couldn't handle this kind of pain anymore, again.

He pulled me into his arms and just held me there. Waiting for me to calm down.

"You are always going to be a father to that girl. Whether she is with us or not, she will always be yours and Brooklyn's daughter."

"I need to call Tess. She needs to know whats going on with her best friend."

"Ok lets go." we got off the floor and went to Brooklyn's room. Now that shes in a room, I don't plan on leaving her side for anything.

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