December 11, 2013

623 45 1

Dear You,
Remember Jacob? Well, I found out today, that he...he got shot. I heard about it all day at school. People were sad and feeling so blue. When I found out, I cried. I cried so much. My best friend, my brother, was shot and I didn't know about it. Just to actually see if it was true, I checked the news when I got home, and it was true. He had to be immediately transported to the hospital because he was losing a lot of blood. He got shot in the back.

Luckily, I got to speak to him today. He said that he's okay and there's nothing to worry about. Even though he was close to dying because of how far the bullet was close to his heart, he survived. I told him I couldn't stop thinking about him all day and that I miss everything we had in our friendship. He told me that he did too and I couldn't help but smile at that.

I can't believe someone so stupid would do such a thing to him.

From, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now