December 8, 2015

234 18 0

Dear You,
Today was great. It was a special day, because even though her birthday was a couple days ago, I got to surprise her before my first class.

My best friend and I hung up a poster I decorated for her birthday on her classroom door. Then we hid in the classroom, and when she walked in, we shouted surprise and she starting smiling a ton.

We sung happy birthday and I gave her the biggest hug I've possibly could've given to anyone, besides mom.

It really brought tears in my eyes.

I couldn't believe she was 16.

I couldn't believe how much she's changed since mom died.

She went from the girl who was quiet and kept to herself, who had the smallest food palette imaginable, and a collection of rubber ducks she used to play with to a girl who's expanded her horizons miraculously. For done with a disability like hers, that's very great improvement and I'm very proud of her for it.

I'm so proud and lucky to be in her life as her big sister.

She deserves someone to look up to and to watch her back, even though I'm her mind, everyone's her friend.

Quite frankly, it's a shame that people would take advantage of a girl with mental disability. It pisses me off to the max because she's such a sweetheart, kind-hearted, and she wouldn't even hurt a fly.

She's unique and special in her own way, and if people are too stubborn or too ignorant to see that, then they deserve a slap in the face for it.
It's exactly the same as taking advantage of someone who's blind.

From, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now