September 17, 2015

226 20 0

Dear You,
So I survived the rest of the week! Yes!
After the whole thing in the library, it started to get a little better. I'm still stressed, but hopefully that'll change when my birthday arrives in 5 days.
Like every other year, I'm not really looking forward to it. Every year there's always that one thing that sets my whole day off. Usually it consists of my parents having a big argument over, who knows really.

This year, I'll be 17. I'm kind of excited, but at the same time it's scary because next year I'll be an adult. In all honesty, I'm very frightened for the next step in life. I'm afraid to leave my home and go away to college, not to see my family on a regular basis.

I'll have to make new friends and be on my own.

I also am not sure what I want to do for a career. I'm stuck between being in journalism and being a psychologist. I also love doing creative things other than writing like acting or singing. I love to draw and color and use my imagination when it comes to school projects. On the other hand, I love helping people. Just helping someone and giving them the best advice to fix things just brings joy to my world. I hate seeing people suffer because no one deserves that.

Anyway, yeah so the big 1 7. Woohoo!
We shall see how that birthday goes.

From, Me

Dear You, From, Me [COMPLETED & EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now