1- Little Moments

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(Kylee POV)
"I can't believe we get to find out what we are having today," I tell Drew in excitement as we made our way into the doctors office. "I know if someone would have told me a few years ago that I would be walking into the doctors office with the girl I have been in love with since I was a little boy to check on our first baby I don't know if I would have believed them," he says to me as he takes my hand into his. "I am so glad that it's you that I get to experience this with," I tell him honestly before stepping inside the office.

As I lay on the doctors bed and wait for our baby to appear on the screen I could help but think about how this would be a moment I would remember for the rest of my life. "Now let's see what your going to be having," the doctor says just as our little one appears on the screen. Drew locks his hand in mine as we both stare at the screen watching our baby in amazement. "Well congratulations it looks like you both will be having a son," the doctor tell us. I look over a Drew who has a huge smile on his face, "we going to be parents to a son," Drew says in excitement before placing a kiss on my forehead. "Yes we are and I can't wait until we can hold him in our arms for the first time," I say to him before turning my attention back to the screen.

(Drew POV)
"So everything checks out fine both Kylee and the baby are healthy," I ask the doctor wanting to double check to make sure they would be ok. "Yes they are both doing well, I promise you there isn't anything to worry about," the doctor reassures me. "I can't help it I just don't want to loose either of them," I tell him with worry. "I know it's a scary thing but it will be over soon and you will have a healthy son to take home," he say with a smile. "Thanks doctor you really helped make me feel better," I say returning a smile. "No go on out to your wife before she starts worrying about you," he says with laughter before leaving the room.

"What took you so long, you asked the doctor a bunch of questions didn't you," she asked with laughter in her voice as I walk closer to her. "I did not," I say trying to defend myself. "Yeah you just keep telling yourself that," she says with a pat on my back. "How would you know if I did," I say knowing I couldn't hid anything from her. "Because I know you," she says shrugging her shoulders. "Yeah I guess your right, I can't hide anything from you," I say as I take her hand in mine and begin to lead her out the door.

Instead of going straight home I decided to treat Kylee to an early supper and the we made our way to my moms house to tell everyone the news. "So do you have a new sonogram of my grandbaby," mom asked me with a huge smile. "Yes we have a new picture of your grandson," he says as he hands her he sonogram. "Wait did you just say it's a boy," she ask in excitement. "Yes mam we found out today," Kylee say matching my mothers excitement. "Oh I can't believe I'm going to have a grandson," she squeals. "Is Taylor here, I wanted to be the first to tell him he is going to have a nephew," Kylee ask my mom. "Yes I think he is upstairs doing his homework," she says to her bet turning to me to continue our conversation. "So tell me are you exited to be having a son," my mom asked me once Kylee had left the room. "Yes I am, and I would have been happy no matter what because it's a miracle that we have having a baby at all," I tell her feeling overjoyed and blessed to becoming a father. "I know son and I know you and Kylee will make great parents," she say as she opens her arms for a hug. I walk into her arms and hug her tight. "I love you son and I am so proud of the man you have become," she whispers to me. "Thanks mom that means a lot coming from you beings your the reason I am the man I am today," I tell her as we end our hug just as Kylee comes back into the room. "What were you guys talking about," she asked looking at us curiously. "It's nothing I was just saying how happy and proud I am of both of you," my mom say with a smile. "Aww thanks," Kylee says emotionally as she gives my mom a quick hug. "Drew can we go home now I am really tired," Kylee as me with pleading eyes. "Sure lets go home and get you off your feet," I say to her before giving my mom a quick hug and follow Kylee out of the house.

As we lay in bed and I rub small circles on Kylee's growing belly I here her voice faintly ask, "what do you think of naming our sone Mason?" "I like it but what about a middle name have you thought of one yet," I ask her curiously. "I don't know, what do you think," she asked me with a small smile on her face.  "What do you think of giving him my name as his middle name," I suggest to her. "Which one Andrew or James," she asked referring to my first and middle name. "Well I was thinking Andrew but if you like James better I'm ok with that to," I say with a smile not wanting to put pressure on her to use names I want. "Mason Andrew, Mason Andrew" she say twice as she tries to see how it sounds. "I like you," she finally say after a few minutes of silence. "Good so Mason Andrew Blake it is," I say in excitement to finally have a name for our little one. "How do you like your name Mason," I say to Kylee's belly before placing a kiss on it. "I love you Andrew James Blake and I'm glad your all mine," she says to me with laughter in her voice. "Well Kylee Elizabeth Blake and I am glad your mine and I love you and Mason," I tell her before placing my lips on hers and kissing her lightly. "Now let's get some sleep we both have work in the morning," I say to her before turning off the lamp, slipping under the covers and pulling her close to me. "Good night," I whisper to her. "Night," she whispers back to me.

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