12- Finding You

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(Drew POV)
It's been a week since Kylee took off and went to stay with Olivia, our time apart has really giving me time to think and I have decided that I don't want to live my life without her. Deciding that I had to tell her how I feel I made my way to the school campus but after getting there I chickened out and am now sitting at the coffee shop. "Sir is there anything I can get you," a very pregnant girl asked me. "No thanks, I'm fine just needed somewhere to think," I tell her kindly with a smile. "Ok but if you need anything just let me know," she says before turning to walk away. "you know what on second thought I will take a glass of water," I say to her kindly. "Ok I'll be right back with it," she say before making her way behind the counter.

A few minutes later she brought me a water and I gave her a $20 and when she walked off to go get me change I go up with my water and left the coffee shop. As I begin to walk away from the coffee shop I here the girl that waited on me call out to me, "sir you forgot your change." I turn around to face her and with a smile I tell her, "I want you to keep it, I think you need it worse then I do," I say pointing to her growing stomach. "Thanks so much, can I at least get your name?" she ask me with tears in her eyes. "My name is Drew," I tell her extending my hand out to her but instead of her shaking my hand she wraps her arms around my waist giving me a hug. "Thank you so much for caring," she says as if she has never had anyone show her kindness. Holding her in my arms reminding me of holding Kylee in my arms when she was pregnant which caused my heart to ache. "You welcome, after all your going to need all the help you can get preparing for that little one to come," I say to her as she slowly backs out of our embrace.

(Kylee POV)
After sleeping in I decide to go to the coffee shop to visit with Jenna but when I get there I'm shocked to see Drew standing with her. "Drew what are you doing here," I ask him confused. "Well I came to see you and then I got nerves about seeing you after how we left things," he says to me looking stressed. "It's ok we can go inside and talk," I say before turning to Jenna. "So Jenna how are you and the little one feeling today," I ask her as I hug her quickly. "I'm good, so wait Drew is your husband," she asked with a huge smile on her face. "Yeah he is but like I told you the loss of our baby really took a tole on our relationship," I say to her honestly. "Well if he came all the way here just to see you then I believe you two will be fine," she say glancing at him. "I hope your right," I say to her before watching her go back into to work. Drew and I walk inside a take a seat the the back corner of the room away from everyone. "So we need to talk about us and were we stand," he say before taking a deep breath and continuing, "Kylee I sill love you and I have never stopped." Taking a minute to take in what he was saying I look at him and feel sadness knowing that if I stay with him the chances are it will always only be me and him. "Drew I love you to but you real is we may never get the chance at having a family again, are you sure you are going to be ok with that?" I ask him with a broken heart. "Kylee we can keep trying to have children if you want to, but I honestly with me fine if it's just me and you for the rest of our lives, because I know that I don't want to live my life without you," he says placing his hand on mine in a comforting way. As tears begin to stream down my face Drew gets up from his side of the booth and comes and sits by me pulling me into his arms.

I'm not sure how long we hand bee sitting in each other arms when Jenna came and sat down on the other side of the booth. "So I have something I would like to ask you and you don't have to answer now and I want you to talk it over on your own also," she says seriously. "Ok go ahead," I say to her as both Drew and I turn our full attention on her. "I want you to be the ones to adopt my little girl," she says quickly then waits for our reaction. We sat there stunned and taken back by what she had asked us that neither one of use could say anything. "I know it hasn't been long since you both lost your baby but I believe you two would be the perfect parents for her," she say to us quickly explaining herself. "Jenna that is a major decision and as much as we would love to become parents I just don't know if now is the right time, I mean your due in a little over a month and we are still not technical together," I say still in awe of her confidence in us. "I see the love between you two even if you don't see it yourselves," she says with so much confidence. "Look we aren't saying no, we just need a few days to think about it," Drew say to her as he holds my hand under the table. "That sound fair and you know where to find me when you decision is made," she says sweetly as she gets up and leaves us to ourselves. "Kylee I love you and if you want this baby then we will do it, we will raise her together but it's up to you," he says is a supportive tone. "Thanks Drew that means a lot, but I think I need some time to process and think before I make this life changing decision," I tell him honestly. Just as Drew was about to say something else his phone begin to ring and he pulls it out. "It's Carter I better answers it then I will be right back in," he says sweetly before answering his phone and walking outside. After a few minutes Drew came back into the coffee shop looking scared. "Drew what's wrong?" I ask standing up quickly to get to him. "It's my dad he is being rushed to hospital they think he had a heart attack," he says looking as he was about to break. "Come on I drive us to the hospital," I say grabbing his hand and heading to the car.

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