3- Making Mistakes

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(Drew POV)
I walk into my office to find a young girl sitting at my desk. "Can I help you with something," I call out to her as I walk into the room. "Yes I'm Clare and you must be Drew, I'm here for the assistant position," she say as she stands up and begins walking over to me. "I don't remember hiring an assistant," I say as I walk past her as I make my way to my desk. "I know a guy named Jason did said he was going to be out a town on business and that you would be needing some extra help," she says as she makes her way back to my desk. "Yeah well I don't need help Jason doesn't know what he is talking about," I tell her trying not to take my anger for Jason out on her. "Look I'm here to help with whatever you need business or pleasure," she say as she sits on the edge of my desk in front of me revealing a lot of skin in the tight little dress she has on. "Look I'm married and if you do really want this job you need to get off my desk and start acting professional," I tell her as I get up from my desk and walk to my bar in the back of the room. Taking out a glass I poor a couple shots, then drink hem down quickly wanting to calm my nerves before I blow up on this girl and then Jason for hiring her. "Ok whatever you say boss," she says in a flirty voice as she takes the papers off my desk and begin making her way out of my office. I take on more shot before returning to my desk to get some work done.

Over half the day has passed and Clare has actually proven that she is actually pretty smart when it comes to figuring numbers and she has help me get a lot of work done. "How about I treat you to lunch as a thank you for helping me get all this work done," I ask her as she hands me a stack of paperwork she has completed. "Sounds good," she say with a smile before coming around to my side of the desk, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. "We don't even know where we are going yet," I say with a small laugh. "Come on haven't you ever just been spontaneous," she asked me with a giggle. "I have just not for a couple years," I tell her honestly. "Come one you act like your old, you need to just let loose and have some fun and feel young again," she say as we make it to the parking lot. "Which car is yours," she ask me as we stand in the middle of the parking lot. I pointed out my car and within minutes we were in it and I was driving in the directions she was pointing out.

"Clare were are we," I ask her curiously as we pull up to a place that looks like a club. "Well what does it look like silly" she say with a giggle as she begins to get out of the car. "I know what it is but why are we here," I ask her trying to figure out why we drove over an hour to come here. "Well I know the owner and they serve some of the best food and it one of the only places I can drink since I'm 19," she say with a shrug. She drags me inside and it is full of people who all look like college kids. "Clare this really isn't my scene," I tell her as she pulls me towards a group of what I assume to be her friends. "Hey guys what up," she say once we get to them. "Well who do we have here did you finally get a guy that wanted to be with you," one of the girls said to her in a snotty tone. "Actually I'm her.." I started to say but she cut me off. "Yes he is my boyfriend," she say giving me pleading eyes. I pull her off to the side. "Look I don't know what your trying to pull here but I told you I have a wife," I say angrily. "Please Drew just pretend just for the night I promise I will make it up to you," she begs me with sad eyes. "Fine but only for a couple hours the we have to go," I tell her giving in to her sad eyes. "Thanks," she squeals, "but you might want to take the ring off," she says as she pulls my ring off and places it in my pants pocket. "Let's get some drinks to take to everyone," she say as she pulls me to the bar.

Going against my best judgment I drank several drinks and the was pulled to the dance floor. "It feels good to act like a college guy again," she whispers in my ear. At this point I had gotten drunk enough not to care about anything other than having fun. "Yeah I actually does and I owe it all to you," I slur before pulling her to me and beginning to dance. "Dude you have to tell me how you got this one to settle for you," one of Clare's guy friends from earlier say to me. I shrug my shoulders, "I don't keep you will have to ask her that." After dancing for a while Clare started leading me to a table at the back of the room. "Her have another shot," she says as she pushes one of the glasses to me. We both drink the shots down and she then climbs in my lap. "Clare what are you doing," I ask her trying to remember why I keep pushing her away. "Well we have to make this all look real and I think they are beginning to doubt we are together, so why don't we give them a little show to make them believe us," she say before crashing her lips down on mine. At first I hesitate to kiss her back but then I started kissing her back roughly. The make out session begin to get more and more intense until one of her friends came to the table. "Would you to get a room," she yelled at us over the music. We broke our kiss and started laughing "sorry we got a little carried away," Clare says as she climbs off of me. "I have to go," I say to Clare as I get up and begin to stumble. "I don't think driving is a good idea," she say laughing as she steadies me. "Look there is a room at the back of the bar we can crash there tonight and then we will will leave in the morning," Clare say and begin walking me to the back. "Ok I'll sleep for a couple hours then I have to go," I tell her trying to sound demanding. "Whatever you say," she say in a voice that says she could care less what I think. Once we make it to the room I lay across the bed and let sleep overcome me.

Picture of Clare on this chapter.

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