11- Time Away

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(Kylee POV)
I pull up to the campus where Olivia goes to school hoping she would have room in her dorm for we to stay for a while. As soon as I step out of the car and begin making my way to her dorm bags in hand my mind begins to relax a little to be away from all the drama in my life. Knocking on the door I hear Olivia call out to come in so I open the door and begin making my way inside. "Olivia where you at," I call out loudly. "I'm in my room," she calls back out to me and I begin to follow her voice. "What are you doing here," she say with a concerned look as she spots the bags in my hand. "I'm sorry I just needed to get away for a little while and I was hoping to stay here, but if it's going to be a problem I can go back home," I ramble out. "No it's fine really I'm glad to have you, but if your here then that means things back home must not be so good," she says as she pulls me into a hug. I quickly hug her back and begin telling her everything that's happen the last couple days.

"Wait so are you confused on who you want to be with?" Olivia ask me after I had finished telling her everything. "Yes, I don't know I still love Drew but I just don't know if I can trust him, and as far as Cason goes he has been so sweet and caring," I say feeling even more confused about what I want after answering her question. "I guess now I see why you needed some time away to think things over without having to worry about seeing them," she says in an understanding tone. "Yes I really just needed to get away from everyone for awhile and so I don't feel rushed into a decision," I say taking a deep breath. "Well stay here as long as you need to, and I will do whatever I can to help make things easier for you," she say before giving me another quick hug. "Thanks, if Drew or Cason call you will you please tell them I'm fine but that I need some time to myself," I ask her knowing that they will eventually figure out I'm here. "You got it and as soon as I get done with my classes for the day we will go shopping and get us some dinner," she says excitedly as she grabs her books from her table and begins making her way to the door. "Thanks agin for everything," I tell Olivia before she leaves the room. "You welcome," she says as she leaves me to myself. Deciding that I didn't just want to sit here I decide to explore the campus.

After walking around campus for a couple hours I decided to get coffee from the campus Starbucks. After ordering my coffee I take a seat near the window and begin watching the people go by. "Here is your coffee mam," a young girl says as she hands me my coffee. "Thanks is say," turning towards her. "You must be new here I have never seen you before," she say curiously. "I'm Kylee and I actually don't go here I'm just visiting a friend on campus," I say with a smile. What's your name and how long have you been going here," I ask her curious to find out who old she could be seeing as you could tell she was pregnant. "My name is Jenna and if you will hold on just a secondly shift is ending and I will go clock out then come sit and talk to you," she say kindly. "Yes I would love the company," I say to her and watch as she walk away with a huge smile.

After a few minutes the girls was sitting in front of me. "So you were wanting to know how long I have been here," she ask me making sure that's what I asked her earlier. "Yes," I say confirming the question. "Well I'm 19 and I have been her for a little over a year, I'm here to become a doctor and join doctors without boarders." she say with a small smile. "I can see your very passionate about it," I say smiling back at her. "Yes I am I have always wanted to be able to help people who don't have access to good health care facilities," she tells me with a slight sadness in her voice. "Can I ask you something without offending you," I ask her politely. "Sure go ahead," she says with a shrug of her shoulders. "How are going to do the all the traveling if your having a baby," I ask her politely. "Actually I'm not keeping the baby I'm placing her up for adoption, the dad isn't in the picture he split when he found out I was pregnant and I really want her to have a better life then I can give," she says with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to pry," I say feeling bad that I made her cry. "No it's ok, I know it's something I have to do but it's still hard, do you have any children," she asked noticing my sadness. "No actually I miscarried my son several months ago," I say as I fight back the tears in my eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that it must have been hard on you," she says placing her hand over the table to rest it on mine. "Yeah it took a tole on mine and my husbands marriage," I say feeling heartbroken as I think back. "I'm so sorry but I know you and your husband will have another chance at having a child soon," she says trying to cheer me up. "Actually I don't know if I can get pregnant again I had cancer a couple years ago and it was a miracle that I got pregnant the first time," I tell her with a small smile. "Well it happened once I believe it can happen again," she say smiling back at me. "I sure hope so," I say before changing the subject. After talking with Jenna for a couple hours I decided to make my way back to Olivia's room knowing she would be done with her classes soon.

Authors Note:
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, and will be trying to update again latter this week.
Hope you all have enjoyed the book so far, please keep voting.

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