18- Our Little Family

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(Kylee POV)
It's been a week since we brought Bailey home and everything has began to fall in place as we adjust to life with a baby. As the sounds of Bailey crying wake me I get out of bed and make my way to her nursery. I pick her up in my arms and begin to try and sooth her since it has only been an hour since she was last fed. "Bailey it's ok mommy is here," I say as I gently rock her in my arms. "Is she ok," Drew ask as he comes up behind me. "Yes she isn't wet and I was just up feeding her and hour ago so I'm not sure why she is awake again," I say to him feeling exhausted from waking up three time already tonight and it's only 3:00. "Here let me have her and you can go back to bed and try to get some sleep," he says as he takes Bailey from my arms and sits in the rocking recliner. "Drew you have to work tomorrow, so you need your sleep more then I do," I remind him. "Kylee it doesn't matter you need your sleep to or your going to be to tired to care for her," he protest. "Fine but if she doesn't go back to sleep soon you have to promise to come get me do you can get some rest for work," I say compromising with him. "Fine if she doesn't go to sleep in the next couple hours I'll come get you," he agreed before turning his attention back to Bailey. After going to sleep I wake up an hour later to Drew not being in the bed so I get up and make my way to the nursery were I find Drew still in the recliner with Bailey sleeping on his chest, not wanting to wake them I get a blanket for the closet and place it over the top of them.

(Olivia POV)
Deciding that I wanted to tell Kylee everything going on in my life, I get dressed an make my way to her place. As I ring the doorbell I start to feel nervous about telling her not wanting her to fill bad that I hadn't already told her. "Livi what are you doing here so early," Kylee ask once she answered the door. "I have some things I would like to tell you," I say as I enter in to the apartment. "Ok what is it," she asked me curiously. "Well Carter and I are engaged," I tel her happily. "Olivia that's awesome," she says giving me a hug. "Thanks but that's not all," I start out saying. "It's not," she asked confused. "No I'm eight weeks pregnant," I say as I nervously wait for her reaction. "Wait so that means I'm going to be an aunt and our kids will get to grow up together," Kylee asked me in excitement. "Yes," I simply say. "That's so awesome so what came first you telling Carter your pregnant or him asking you to marry him," Kylee asked me wanting the full story. "Well he asked me to marry him and I said yes, I then asked him was he ready to be a father," I told her as I begin to laugh. "You should have seen his face, I thought he was going to faint," I tell her then we both started to laugh uncontrollably. "I can't believe we get to be mothers together," she say in excitement. "I knew I can't wait, I hope our kids are best friends like we are," I tell her as I hope I have a girl. "I knew they will be," Kylee says having no doubt. "Well it look as if our little family is getting a lot bigger," I tell Kylee as we make our way to the nursery where Drew was sleeping with Bailey on his chest. "How long have these two been sleeping like this," I ask as I take a picture with my phone. "Several hours and I hate to wake them, so I guess it's a good thing Drew is his own boss," Kylee as before we both sneak back out of the room careful not to wake either of them up. "So are you going to tell Drew he is going to be an uncle or is Carter going to tell him tonight," She ask me curiously. "Carter said he wanted to be the one to tell him. Ok well that sounds good to me I know he will be excited to have another baby coming into the family since he is so good with Bailey. "He really does love that little girl, she has Drew wrapped around her finger and she is not even two weeks old yet," I says laughing. "I know I'm going to have my work cut out with those two the older she gets," Kylee says rolling her eyes. "What are you guys talking about," Drew says as he wraps his arms around Kylee from behind. "Oh nothing just that Bailey has you wrapped around her finger and that you two together are going to give Kylee a run for her money," I say to Drew and watch as he looks at me in confusion. "Oh come on Drew you can't deny that you wouldn't give Bailey everything that she ask for," Kylee says turning to look at drew. "I deny everything that you just said besides beings you left me sleeping I am now late for work," he says before kissing Kylee quickly on the lips, grabbing his keys off the cabinet and heading for the door. "Buy Drew," Olivia calls out and as soon as he was out the door we started laughing. "We are definitely going to have our work cut out for use being married and having kids with the Blake boys," Olivia says shaking her head as we continue to laugh. "You definitely have that right," I say laughing at her comments. I can't wait to see where life takes us over the years to come.

Authors note:
This is unfortunately the last chapter to this book but there will be an epilogue.
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