8- Facing life

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(Kylee POV)
I arrive at the school for my first day back at work since everything that happened and I honestly don't know if I'm ready for today. I walk into my classroom to see several of the children already at there tables. I take my seat at my desk and start getting the lesson set out. "Are you Kylee," I lady says as she steps inside my room. "Yes I am," I say as I stare at the flowers in her hand. "These are for you," she says handing the vase of flowers to me. "Thanks," I say to her as she turns and exits the room. I sit the flowers on my desk and pull out the card which read have a good first day back and was signed Cason. Smiling I put the card back in the flowers and pull out my phone.
Me: thanks for the flowers their beautiful.
Cason: your welcome, sorry I wasn't at the house when you left this morning I had some business to take care of.
Me: it's fine I left the house early myself.
Cason: how about you let me take you out for dinner tonight?
Me: you already bought me flowers, now your going to take me to dinner?
Cason: yes, if you will let me.
Me: sure what time should I be ready?
Cason: how about 6:00 I should be back home by then.
Me: ok sounds good, I will see you then.

(Drew POV)
I know what I'd did the last night was a little crazy but I can't stand seeing another guys hands on Kylee when she is technically still mine and I wanton to stay that way I think as I sit in my office with my head in my hands. "Man you look like you have been hit by a bus," Jason says as he steps into my office. "What are you doing back here, I thought you where going to be gone for a couple months," I ask him curiously. "I finished early so what's up with you and why do you look like the walking dead," he says with a snicker. "Ha ha very funny," I say in an irritated tone. "Not that it's any of your business but Kylee left me and is now seeing someone else," I say letting out a breath I felt like I had been holding forever. "Let me guess you got in a fight with her new guy and made things worse," he says as if someone had already told him everything. "How did you know that?" I ask him curiously. "Well someone beat the crap out of you," he say laughing pointing to my black eye and swollen nose."I can tell you one thing if you really want her back you are never going to win her back if you keep fighting with this guy," he informs me. "Ok genius then what do you suggest I do?" I ask him actually hoping for something helpful. "I suggest you go apologize to them both and tell her you would like to stay friends," he say as if it would all just be that simple. "I don't want to just be her friend Jason, I want my wife back," I tell him confused by his advice. "I know that but you have to start out somewhere," he says before leaving my office. I guess I have some apologizing to do tonight I think to myself.

I walk up to the door of Carters house but before I could knock Kylee and the guy from the other night opened it. "What are you doing here?" the guy ask as he steps in front of Kylee blocking her from me. "Look I didn't come here to start trouble, I came to apologize to you and Kylee for the way I behaved last night," I say quickly as I try not to show the pain in my heart knowing what I was going to have to say to Kylee. "Really?" Kylee asked with a confused expression on her face. "Yes I acted like a jerk and it not fair to you, I'm the one who screwed are marriage up so I have no right to get mad at you moving on," I say to her honestly. "Look Drew I appreciate you apologizing, it proves you aren't as bad as I thought," he say holding his hand out for me to shake. "Thanks, what's your name again," I ask him as I shake his hand. "It Cason," he says as we shake hands. "Thanks Cason, do you mind if I have a moment alone with Kylee," I ask him kindly as I drop my hand back down. He looks at her as if asking if it's ok and as she shook her head yes he says, "sure but don't hurt her again," he says in a warning tone. "I want I promise," I say calmly. As he walks to his car leaving me and Kylee alone I could feel my nerves setting in. "What you need to talk to me for Drew, just because you apologized doesn't change things between us," she says with pain and sadness in her eyes. My heart aches to take her in my arms and help make the pain and sadness disappear, but I know I can't do that because I'm the one that caused it. "Kylee I know I have hurt you but I would like us to be friends because I don't want to loose you from my life," I say hoping she would at least give me a shot. "I can't promise you anything but I'm willing to try to be friends, but Drew don't make me regret this," she says quickly before beginning to make her way down the stairs. I watch from the porch as she climbs into the car with Cason and is hard as it is to admit it she looks happy with him. I want her to be happy and if that means her not being with me then so be it.

Authors Note:
I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while I have been very sick but I'm getting better. I promise to update as much as I can and I will do my best to have another chapter posted before the week is out.

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