16- Delivery Time

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(Kylee POV)
We make it to the hospital in plenty of time and I am currently sitting in the delivery room with Jenna. "Kylee have you and Drew talk about taking my little girl and raising her as your own," she asked me kindly. "No but Jenna I want to adopt her even if it's not with Drew, but only if it's ok with you," I tell her honestly. "I'm fine with that but you have to talk to Drew because I believe he wants a family with you as much as you want one with him," she tell me with a small smile. "I'm fine here by myself for awhile so why don't you go talk to Drew now," she tells me as if she would push me out the door if she could. "Ok but if you need me I will be in the waiting room and all you have to do is send a nurse to come get me," I tell her before heading out the door.

As I walk into the waiting room I see Drew laying back in one of the chairs sleeping. I walk up to him and gently shake him, "Drew wake up we really need to talk." "What is has she had the baby already," he says quickly as he sits up in the chair. "No, but I need to talk to you about the baby," I say taking a deep breath to calm my nerves. "What is it," he ask as he places his hand on mine trying to calm my nerves. "I want the baby," I blurt out and then wait for her reaction. "You mean you want to adopt her," he ask slightly confused. "Yes," I say strongly. "You do realize we have absolutely nothing for a baby," he say with fear in his eyes. "I know but we can get all that," I say not letting up on what I want. "Kylee," he starts out in a tone that tells me he was going to have a but coming. "No Drew I will adopt this baby with or without you, but just know that I would rather do it with you," I say in a determined tone. "Well than I guess it looks like we will be becoming parents," he say with a huge smile. "Really," I say with a smile matching his. "Yes I want nothing more than to have a family with you, and if that means adopting this baby then let's do it," he say standing up and holding his hand out for me to take. "Let's go tell Jenna we will be adopting our baby girl," he say in excitement.

(Drew POV)
When Kylee told me she wanted to adopt the baby I felt excited yet scared. But after telling her yes and watching as she lights up I knew I was making the right decision. As we walk into Jenna's room I couldn't help but feel grateful that she was going to be giving us a chance at being a real family. "So by the looks on your face I take it you will be adopting my baby," Jenna asked with a small smile. "Yes," I say happily as I take Kylee's hand in mine. "But Jenna we want you to stay apart of our lives and your daughters," Kylee speaks up. Jenna's looks to Kylee then Me, "Yes I agree you can come see her whenever your in town and we will send you pictures of her," I say backing Kylee up. "Really you guys would do that for me," she ask with tears in her eyes. "Yes all we ask as that you don't tells her who your really are until we think she is old enough to understand who you are," Kylee say kindly. "That's fine by me you guys will always be her parents and I will be whatever you want me to be in her life, I'm just grateful you guys are letting me be apart of her life at all," she say with tears streaming down her face. Kylee walks over to her and gives her a long hug, "you will never understand how grateful we are that you are giving us something we may have never been able to have on our own."

After several hours of waiting our little girl was finally making her entrance into the world and nothing could take the joy I felt away. As Jenna gave one last push and our little girls cries filed the room tears of joy begin to stream down my face. Kylee and I walk over to were our daughter was being cleaned and weighed so we could get a good look at her. "She is perfect isn't she," Kylee asked as I wrap my arm around her pulling her close. "Yes she is," I say as the nurses finish cleaning her. They place her in Kylee's arms and I just stand behind Kylee so that I could hold them both. I watch as out little blonde headed little girl opens her blue eyes and looks into mine. "What are we going to name her," I ask Kylee as she places our daughter in my arms. "I was thinking Bailey Grace," she say as she watches me interact with our daughter. "Bailey," I say to her and she quickly smiles at me. "I think she likes it," I say with laughter. "Good so Bailey Grace Blake it is," she say as we walk over to Jenna. "Would you like to hold her," I ask Jenna knowing that today is going to be hard for her. "Yes if you both don't mind," she say looking to both of us. "Jenna we already told you we want you to be a part of her life," Kylee says as I hand Bailey to Jenna. "She is so beautiful," Jenna says with tears streaming down her face before taking to Bailey, "you are going to have a great life little one with your knew family and they are going to love you so much." What's her name?" Jenna ask looking to both of us. "Bailey Grace," I tell her quickly. "It fits her," she say to us before turning her attention back to Bailey.

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