17- No Time To Plan

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(Kylee POV)
It's been three days since our little Bailey entered into the world and our life as began to revolve around her. As I pack all our thing up from staying at the hospital the last couple days I watch Drew interact with Bailey and it's everything I could hope for. I can tell from Bailey reactions and how she never takes her eyes off of him as he talks and plays with her that's she is going to be a daddy's girl. "Alright I'm finished here if you want to put her in the carseat we can head on home," I tell him as I zip up our bag. "Yes let's take our little one home," he says cooing at her. "You do realize once we get home we are going to have to go buy everything for her and get her a nursery set up," I remind him. "Yes I will take care of it as soon as I have both of you safely at home," he tells me as he buckles Bailey into her seat. "I still can't believe she is ours and that we get to take her home with us," I say to him happily. "Me either it seams like it was just yesterday we were walking out of the hospital being told we may never become parents but now looks at us we have Bailey and I already can't imagine life without her," Drew says as he pulls me into his arms. "I love you both more the you will ever know and that's why I would like if you would put these back on your finger," he says pulling my rings out of his pocket. "Yes I will gladly put them back on because I don't want to just be with you I want to be your wife and for us all to be a proper family," I say holing my hand out for him to put the rings back on my finger. "I'm so glad you said that," he says with a smile as he puts the rings on my finger then kisses me lightly on the lips. Drew grabs our bags as I get Bailey and we both begin making our way out of the hospital.

(Olivia POV)
"Carter we have to make sure everything is perfect before they get here," I scold at him as slowly hangs up he streamers. "I know Olivia you have told me a hundred times already and we still have at least an hour before they get here so everything will be finished I promise," Carter says as he finishes pining up the last of the  streamers. "You did call you mom and tell her to be here right?" I ask him continuing to panic over having everything perfect. "Yes I called her she said she would be here soon," he say in a reassuring tone. "Look you have got to calm down because all this stress isn't good for you," he says as he pulls me into a hug. "I know but I just want this day to be perfect for Kylee and Drew they deserve it," I tell him as I try to calm myself down. "So when do you want to tell them our good news?" Carter ask as he places his hand on my stomach. "Not today let them have their moment, then we can tell them in a couple weeks," I tell him. "Then you might want to take your ring off and put it in your pocket because if they find out about the engagement then they will soon find out about the pregnancy," he informs me. "Yes I better do that, here you keep up with it for me," I tell him handing him my ring. "Good idea because I don't want you to loose it," he says as he puts the ring in his pocket.

It wasn't long until Sarah, Tyler, Jenna, and some of Drew and Carters family were all at the apartment waiting for the arrival of Drew, Kylee, and Bailey. "Thanks everyone for coming I just got off the phone with Kylee and she said they were almost here so if we could all quit down so that we can surprise them all when they come in that would be great," I call out to everyone. Just as everyone got quite the door opens and Drew walks in with Kylee and Bailey behind him. "What's all this," Kylee ask me with a shocked look. "We wanted to show you we are all here to support you and to give you a baby shower," I tell her as I walk up to see Bailey. "Thanks you guys but you all didn't have to do this, we know that adopting Bailey was a last minute decision," Kylee says with tears in her eyes. "Kylee we love you and we all wanted to do this," I tell her as I give her a quick hug. "No can I hold this little one?" I ask Kylee as I point to Bailey. "Of course after all you went through planning this I think you should be the first one to get to hold her," Kylee says as she takes Bailey out of her car seat and hands her to me. "This is your Aunt Olivia." Once Bailey was in my arms I just couldn't help but fell and instant love for her, "oh Kylee she is gorgeous." "Thanks And I know she is going to grow to love you as much as I do," Kylee says as she watches me interact with Bailey. Kylee soon spotted Jenna and made her way to talk to her. After holding Bailey for awhile I handed her to her father and prepared to show "So if everyone will make room for Kylee and Drew we would like them to make their way to were the guest room used to be," I say motioning for them to follow me. They both follow me to the room and I then moved out of their way and let Drew open the door reviling the nursery. "I cannot believe you did all this for us," Kylee says in amazement as she walks around the room admiring everything. "Like I told you I wanted you to know how much we all support and love you all," I tell her once again. "Well you all definitely proved it," she say as tears of joy stream down her face. "Just know no matter what you have a family you can turn to for whatever you need," I tell her as I give her a hug. "I will always remember this," she says with a smile.

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