Chapter 15 - My Rival?

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It is eight in the morning. Everyone already wake up from their sleep. But not with this couple.

They still in their dreamland.

Bomi is hugging kyungsoo as he hugging her too. Not long, kyungsoo wake from his sleep.

He's surprise to see bomi when he open his eyes. Their face is so close to each other. He lift his head a bit to see he's hugging bomi with his arm on her waist. While the other under bomi's head.

He move his arm which under bomi's head slowly make bomi's head fall to his shoulder and accidentally touch kyungsoo's lips too.

He blink as his lips touch bomi's forehead. He could feel the scent of her hair.

Chocolate, he though.

Unconsciously, he reach her head dan pull it closer to him. then he smell it again.

He like it.

Not long, bomi finally wake up. She's surprise too. when she open her eyes she's on kyungsoo's shoulder as her face facing his chest.

She could feel his arm wrap around her waist and head. Then she giggle.

Kyungsoo widen his eyes as he know bomi already wake up. He dont dare to move as he could feel bomi's finger on his chest. Touching it gently.

He seem panick as bomi lift her head up to check him if he's already wake up or not. But before she could see, he quickly close his eyes. Pretending to sleep.

"Good morning!" Kai barge into their room cause bomi to get up from the bed.
"Can you knock first?" Bomi complain.

But kai ignore him and walking towards kyungsoo. "Good morning hyung!"

"You still sleeping?" He ask as he see kyungsoo's eyes close.

Then he lean his face closer to him, but as soon as bomi see it, she quickly pull kai's shirt to make him away from his husband.

"Yaa! What are you doing?!" He hit kai's head while kai groan in pain. "I want to wake him!" He yell and pull his shirt back. "Wae?!"

"With kiss him?!" Bomi glare at him. Kai start to laugh then stop as he push bomi to the wall.

Bomi feel shock and try to move away but she cant. "You never read a fairytale?" He ask. "Snow white? Sleeping beauty?"

"Of course I've read it!" She reply, doesnt want to give up on him. "So how does the prince to wake her?"

Bomi thinking and she reply, "he.. he kiss her" kai drew a smirk and step backward. "Thats right!"

Kai start talking but she's ignore him. She's busy for a chance to escape from kai.

And when kai start off guard, "I'll kiss him first!" She push kai to the side.

"Yaaa!" Kai reflect grab her hand for balancing his body. But unluckly, bomi doesnt strong, so they fell on the floor.

"Where's hyung?" Kai ask as he doesnt see kyungsoo on the bed. "Its your fault!" Bomi yell at him.

"Me?! Your fault!" Kai push his hand towards her shoulder. "I almost kiss him, but you ruin it!"

"Ck! I'm the one who have to kiss him! Not you!" She yell and push him too.


"Oh my! Oh my! Whats happen?" Baekhyun emerge from outside as he hear a loud voice inside the room.

"SHUT UP!" They yelled cause him to jump a bit.

"Chanyeol ah! I'm scare~" he then run towards chanyeol, leave them who keep arguing.

"Whats wrong?" Chanyeol ask him as he meet baekhyun in the stairs. "They yell at me" he pout. Chanyeol could hear kai and bomi are yelling inside the room.

"Dont mind them" he pat baekhyun's shoulder. "Breakfast is ready!" chanyeol shout and seems kai and bomi notice it, because they're stop arguing.

"Lets go?" chanyeol turn away and about to go but baekhyun stop him. "Yeol.."

He call, cause him to look at him. "What?" He ask. "Piggy back~" baekhyun said as he spread his arm.

"Oh my god!" He groan as baekhyun jump to his shoulder so suddenly. He doesnt expect baekhyun is very heavy.

"Lets go!" Baekhyun cheer in happiness.



I cant believe suho hyung want me to accompany that shorty girl go shopping.
If Suho hyung not beg me. I wouldnt be willing to accompany her. Moreover, why should I? Why not Sehun or Baekhyun hyung?

"Can you be faster?" She push my body from behind cause me to fasten my step. "Relax~"

"Its so hot today! I could feel my skin would burn" she says as she rush into the supermarket when we almost arrive.

"Ahh its feel nice" I spot her standing in front of the big fan when we're looking around at the electronic section.

"Dont play around, we need to search all of the items and then go home quickly" I approach her and force her to leave the big fan.

"Wait a minute! I'm not-" but before she could go back, I quickly wraps my arm at her neck and pull her again. "Aniyaa~"

We're at the cosmetic section now. Bomi is looking at the products while I watching her. "I guess I need some masks" she mumble then face me. "What do you think?"

I just shrug.

"Why you dont know? See my skin! Its white and smooth~ while you?" She look at me from head to toe than smirk.

"Its exotics, you know!" I hit her head lightly while she just grin and give me a peach sign.

As soon as we come out from the supermarket, we visit bubble tea shop before going back home.

Because sehun call me a while ago, and tell me to buy him a bubble tea. I buy 7 bubble teas for the others too.

After that, we going back to home. I walk beside bomi as we're talking about random stuffs.

It's been a week since we live together in the same house. And we start close to Bomi. well, even though we often quarrels.

We almost arrive our house, and suddenly bomi start runnning. "The last one who arrive, he cant get a bubble tea! She shout.

I comeback from my sense as I blink my eyes then follow her which already at the front.

I see her running to the backyard and I follow her behind.

"Hey bomi! You're cheati-" I quickly stop from running as I see bomi freezing while looking at them.

She seems shock.

BOOK 1 | Our Marriage Life [ EXO Do Kyungsoo -  Yoon Bomi ] EXOPINKWhere stories live. Discover now