Chapter 5

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I walked up to both of them, determined to put that girl on the place where she deserved. He was going out with me. He wouldn't, under any circumstances, flirt with another girl on my company.

"Thanks, Ty." Her annoying voice gushed, making me want to crawl into a hole and just stay there. Forever.

Ty? How dare did she use that name! Only I could call him like that. Only moí.

"Er... Y-Yeah... sure..." Tyler muttered in an awkward way, scratching the back of his neck. He never acted like that around girls. Never.

Now was the time I entered the scene. "Hey, Ty," I said, shooting daggers at her with my eyes.

"Hey, S..." He mumbled.

"Hey... Uh, what's your name again?" Laurel asked, raising an eyebrow up in confusion.

"Her name's Steph," Tyler answered for me.

"Correct that, Tyler. Steph for you, Stephanie for her." I smirked, crossing my arms against my chest.

She just faked a sickeningly sweet smile.

"Nice to meet you, Stephanie. You look really... pretty..." She said, staring at my awesome outfit.

"I know, thank you." I simply shrugged. "Sorry, but I can't say the same about you." My eyes darted to her and she huffed.

"Stephanie, stop it," Tyler whispered in my ear. "You're ruining everything, Stephanie. Stop it, dammit." He mumbled.

"Tyler, I think I better go now," Laurel said, flipping her brown hair to her shoulder. "I know when I'm not wanted and it's clear to me that your fake girlfriend here is bothered by my presence. I better go. I don't wanna cause any rivalry between both of you." She said quietly, and just as she was about to turn away, I saw a smirk plastered on her lips.

What a conceited bimbo!

"Wait, Lau," Tyler said, calling her back.

But she didn't even look back. She just kept walking with a triumphant smirk on her lips. My desire was to grab one of the ten-inch heels from the cabinets and throwing them at her Barbie vomit face.

"See what you did? Dammit! You just had to ruin everything, didn't you!" Tyler exclaimed and started running after her, leaving me with an overwhelming guilt consuming my inner.

Slowly, I walked up to the couch where he was sitting only some minutes ago and waited for him.

Five minutes passed.

Then ten.

Then twenty.

Then forty-five.

Then an hour.

He never came.

Blinking back the tears, I got up from my seat and walked towards the line that gave access to the cashier. I decided to buy the black dress, which I did. I walked up to the bus stop and waited for the right one with only one thing on my head.

I was slowly losing him. I was slowly losing Tyler.


One week later.

Throughout the whole week, I only talked to Tyler once. He was still pissed off at me for what happened on the mall. I would send him texts and texts, but he would never answer me back. Never. I called him, but he wouldn't call back.

Two weeks later.

We had talked a couple of times and that was it. I started to feel that everything was different and that killed me inside. There were no goodnight texts anymore, no more watching the stars at 2:00 a.m in my backyard, no more silky joked and I started to wonder if there was no more Steph and Ty.

Three weeks later.

I saw him at the school's parking lot with Laurel. They were laughing and it seems like they were having a pretty good time. He looked at me, smiled and told me he would call me. But well, he never did.

Six weeks later.

Mom threw a dinner and invited the Scotts. I first tried to tell her to uninvite them, but she wouldn't listen to me. So when they arrived, my jaw dropped when I saw that he brought Laurel. Mom told her she looked beautiful.

Seven weeks later.

I overheard two of the guys from Tyler's football team that were hanging out with him saying that Tyler had lost his phone one month ago. How did I not know of that? Maybe that's why he didn't respond any of my calls or texts.

Twelve weeks later.

Tyler and I bumped into each other at the hall. He wasn't with Laurel and I thank God for that. He told me that we could catch up and that he had been busy with practice.

Twenty weeks later.

We didn't speak to each other ever since.

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