88, 89, 90

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Text #88.

March 28, 8:54 pm.

I can't believe it. It's hard for me to believe it. My mind is still flabbergasted. I can't think straight and I don't even know if how I gathered the little sanity I had left to write this. It's you. Sophie came here some hours ago and told me it's you. She's in love with you. She told me she has never felt something so strong in her life and that she even cried for you. You. Why you? Why her? Fuck, I don't know what to do, think or how to act. I want you so bad it's killing me. 

Text #89.

March 29, 5:48 pm.

I don't know if I can stand it anymore. She told me everything. She told me that she was in love with you and that she couldn't take you off her mind. She told that the small unrequited crush she had on you turned into something big. She said she cried for a guy for the first time in her life. Guess who the guy was?

Yeah, you.

Text #90.

March 30, 9:00 pm.

I think this is a sign from some celestial being that you're not the one for me. So today, that's what I decided to do. I walked over to my mirror and repeated a couple hundred times: I deserve better. But all I could think about was your lips. 

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