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September 15, 6:25 pm.

I know I'm not writing long texts like usually, it's only because I don't know if I have to. Everything has been okay. I mean, yeah, I except the fact that I have to see you everyday.

The rest is okay. My relationship with Cameron is amazing. He just decided we shouldn't give a damn. And so did I.

It took me long enough to realize that my happiness doesn't depend on people's approval.

I wanna turn out to be the girl songs talk about. You know? That strong girl who lives one day at a time and who doesn't have time to cry over boys with a 14-year-old mentality

And someday, I'll finally get there. I just have to know myself better. I have to know what I'm capable of, what are my weaknesses, my fears and overcome them.

I'm feeling like I'm finally getting how to do it.

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