112, 113, 114

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Text #112.

April 20, 9:04 pm.

You know what? I've been asking myself 'how' for a while now. How the hell did you turn me into something I wasn't? I was strong. I was able of controlling my feelings so well and I was able to say 'screw it' to everyone and everything, no matter what the situation was. But you did this to me. You made me vulnerable. I hate this part of me. I want to be strong again. I want to be able to look at you and not blink back the tears. You are the one to blame. You. You. And you.

Text #113. 

April 21, 4:20 pm.

Lol, I was just remembering that time when we fell asleep talking to each other. None of us had turned off the call, and you woke me up when I could hear you snoring like a pig through the other side of the line. I woke up groggy, not knowing where that weird noise came from. That was until I picked my cell phone from under my pillow and saw that the call was still on. Suddenly, my eyes widened and I kept listening to that awful noise, haha. I couldn't contain my laugh and you woke up. Gosh, I need to get a life.

Text #114.

April 22, 3:24 pm.

Sometimes I keep visualizing duct tape over Sophie's mouth. She does nothing more than talk about you. Well, sometimes I have to admit that sometimes it's fun hearing the things she says about your precious freaking Laurel. But she notices everything about you. Every single thing. I don't have the guts to tell her how I feel. I don't think I ever will. This is the first time Sophie has been acting like this. But it's hard, you know. It's hard to keep listening when she speaks about how hot you look in your new football jersey, or how she likes your hair is pushed to the side. I already know all of these things, I don't need to hear them coming from another mouth. 

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