106, 107, 108

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Text #106. 

April 14, 9:37 am.

Your absence hurts just as much as your presence does.

Text #107.

April 15, 4:39 pm.

I think I hate you for leaving me. I don't know exactly how I feel. My mind is a wreck and my thoughts are a chaos. I thought you, at least, had some respect for me. I thought you loved me. Guess I was wrong. 

Text #108.

April 16, 1:08 pm.

There was this boy that walked past me at library and smiled to me. His perfect white teeth revealed as the corners of his mouth crinkled to show some cute dimples on his cheeks. I remembered how you would smile at me. He looked so much like you. Brown hair, eyes that seemed to melt into golden rays and an irresistible smile. When he walked past me, I couldn't get his head out of my mind and keep thinking of how much he resembled you. The bell rang and I went to class completely lost. I wasn't able to concentrate for the rest of the day. So now I'm here, in detention writing this and Mr. Rink is on his seventh dream, with some drool falling out of his mouth. Ew. It's amazing how much you have power to be everything and everywhere in my life.

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