121, 122, 123

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Text #121.

April 29, 8:02 pm.

I thought my relationship with my mother was getting better. I could feel it was. I mean, we spent 8 hours clean from discussing, and trust me, that was a record. We even said goodnight to each other before going to sleep. But I guess some things just may seem right even if they're wrong. Sometimes we don't always know things even if we think we do. So today, we barely looked at each other. We never talked. We never even stayed in the same room for more than a couple of minutes. I wish that could change. I wish things could change between us.

Text #122. 

April 30, 10:29 pm.

Library boy was at the library reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. Dude, I love him already. Gosh, why the hell am I saying this to you? Lol.

Text #123. 

May 1, 2:13 pm.

It's amazing how much little people can know about us, you know? Like, people only know what you want them to know. What you want them to see. If you want people to see you as an outcast or as a goody person, you just act like it and voila, you are what you want to become. But sometimes, there can me so much more than meets the eye. People think they know you. They think they know what's going on with you only because they heard that gossip that your parents are getting a divorce. Or that you got bailed because you stole some sunglasses from the mall. They think they have it all, that they know it all. But there's always a hidden side of the story. Just like the moon, one side may be hidden and not shown to people. There are so many liars out there. People lie all of the time. About everything and everywhere. Everyone does that. I guess that's what makes us so scared. Scared to trust. To love. To need. It increases our distrust on others by thinking that they're lying to us and making us as puppets. But I wanted, just for one day be able to go up to you and tell you the truth It would take me only some seconds of courage and yes, I may regret it forever, but something tells me that it might be worth the risk.

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