Chapter one:

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"What is going on here?" Uncle asked angrily, "I demand an answer!" He yelled at the officers holding me.

"You see sir,-" The younger officer tried to explain.

"Please just let me explain!" My little brother Rob begged. He's always got my back even though it's always getting me into even more trouble, not that he knows that. It's not his fault, only Uncles disturbed mind. I sigh. I'm just glad it's me and not him.

"Rob please..."I plead with him shaking my head no. Hey, a girls gotta try.

He ignored me like usual in these situations. "They were talkin about mum..." He pleaded as if for my life, which he very well may be. I shiver at the thought of my little brother alone with this monster. The things Uncle would do to him without my protection. What he would turn him into. He would ruin him. I shake the thought out of my head. Never. Not Rob. Sweet innocent Rob. I vow to never let that happen.

"Officers." i say dryly, as planned. They let me go, obviously feeling awkward being present. Though I don't miss that they lingered there longer than they should have, the younger officer leaving my arm tingling through my clothes. He uncuffs me and slips a note into my right hand. I quickly slip my hands casually into my front pockets and look forward, glaring. I drop the note into my pocket discretely.

I close the door after locking eyes with the handsome man who looked sorry for me, He nods and his eyes seem to confirm my accusation of him being sorry for leaving me in Uncles presence, alone. But I don't miss the way he looks over my body longingly.

As soon as the door closes Uncle slaps Rob in the face. Rob stumbled back obviously startled by the physical contact,"How dare you?" Uncle growled. "You are a disgrace to this family!" And to that my brother slowly nodded. I couldn't take it anymore. His accecptance drives me over the edge.

"Enough!" I shouted at Uncle, "Rob get up. Please." I felt bad for the way I spoke to him but he didn't seem to care, still cowering as if expecting another blow to the face. And that, that is unacceptable, and if possible makes me even angrier at the man who caused it.

Uncle glared at me with such hatred I'm surprised I didn't burst into flames, "You." He walked toward me with big sudden steps. Suddenly a pain shot through the left side of my face. Then two hands grab my throat - surprisingly callused for a man that gives the impression he doesn't do crap-slowly adding pressure. "Just like your stupid mother," He kneed me in the rib cage and i hear a crack. I see his mouth turn into a sadistic smile.

"Is that all you got?" I managed to get out. The pain is excruciating but i try not to let him see that. I have a feeling he knows just from the sound of my voice though. He adds more pressure to my throat. What he says next doesn't make sense but hits me hard. "You're gonna end up a dead traitor, just like your mother. Good riddance!" He spits in my face. I spat right back into his. Hitting him straight in the eyes. Even though I feel as if my throat is being torn out. He didn't expect it, and unconsciously loosens his grip on my throat.

I knee him in the gut and he backs up. I go to punch him but he catches my left hand. Suddenly i remember the knife in my back pocket. The younger officer had given it to me for protection. 'Should I go that far?' I silently asked myself. 'Is it necessary?'. Well considering i can barely breathe or even move it's my only option for survival. Plus for what he did to me this bastard doesn't deserve to live. My Uncle comes toward me.

I'm now on the floor, him towering over me ready to kick me unconscious, which would probably kill me in this state. I take the pocket knife out of my back pocket hiding it from Uncle. I press the button to open it. It's jammed.

My Uncle lifts his foot to finish me off. I see the look of horror on Rob's face. Whether from me surely being killed from this, or being left alone with Uncle I do not know. Thoughts of his life without me run through my head. Uncle beating him, him running away, being caught and tortured. All in a matter of seconds. That gives me the push i need.

Quickly I stand up faster than humanly possible, twisting his foot and lifting it above his head. "Bitch!" He spits standing up. I press the button on the knife repeatedly while Uncle drives me towards the wall. As soon as my back hits the wall the knife opens. I kick him in the stomach and he steps back. I step forward.

"Goodbye, Uncle." I said as i shoved the red pocket knife into his heart. I see the shock and fear cloud his eyes. He says something quietly while falling that doesn't make sense. He hits the ground, and i see the light leave his eyes. As all of my adrenaline fades I realize how much pain I'm really in, all from this man both physically and emotionally. Everything goes black.

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