Chapter 30

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Suddenly I'm falling through the air. It wasn't far before I realized what was happening and rolled landing safely. "That was a dick move Dan." Sam said.

"Figured if she didn't land correctly someone would've gotten to her." Dan replies. "Needed to see how well she woke up to bad situations."

I run into the woods and puke behind a bush. I feel Nate rubbing my back holding back my braid. I finish and he hands me a water bottle. I swish my mouth and spit it out. He then hands me a toothbrush and toothpaste knowing I hate the taste. I brush my teeth and rinse. He takes back the stuff and puts it away. I go change my tampon and sanitize my hands.

"That was not a good reaction." Dan says a slight smirk on his face as I reach the area around the fire.

"I think you knew how that was gonna turn out." I told him lying down on a log putting my head in Ross's lap hoping he didn't care. He tenses but swipes the hair out of my face kindly. "I would've been completely fine if you didn't do that Dan. I'm in practically perfect physical condition. Not to mention I'm not too shabby mentally considering the shit that's happened. So please for tonight just kindly fuck off." I tell him.

"Only because I'm afraid you'd bite my head off since you're in heat," He chuckles. Ross glares at him as he walks away. Jonah and Page following him.

"I'd rip his head off if you'd still talk to me after." He mutters.

"Thanks." I chuckle at him. "But no thanks."

"Would it be terribly rude for me to retire for the night?" I ask no one in particular.

All three of my other mates immediately said yes. I groan. And flip my head facedown in Ross's lap. Not a good idea. Glad they can't see my eyes in this position I close my eyes as I straddle the log. Someone starts rubbing my shoulders. It feels good so i mutter something incomprehensible into Ross's lap. It feels like Nates bond to me. Sit up on the log my back against his chest. I look up at him. He smiles down at me and kisses mes. "I missed you." He says, I kiss him back. Suddenly someone else's hands are on my thighs. I move my head to see. Jason's facing me. His thumbs rubbing against my thighs.

They know what they are doing to me, and that makes things so much worse. Curse these beautiful eyes. Jason's hands slide up my thighs. I get off the log. Trying to ignore them I walk to the river. I can hear them following me. Suddenly Dean's in front of me kissing me. He pushes my back against a tree. Massaging my breasts. He carries me to the river and sets me down on the edge. I strip my clothes of leaving my underwear and dive into the river. Suddenly there is four other people in the water with me. Thankfully none of them are naked. I'm surprised Ross came in here. I figured he wouldn't be here with the other boys. I notice him trying to keep his distance in the water. I swim over to him and rub my hands up and down his chest, his shoulders. Bathing him in the river water. I see his eyes change color, him eye my breasts. He growls 'later' in my ear and disappears out of the water into the woods.

Multiple Sexual Scenes

Suddenly Nate grabs me from behind, his head in my neck kissing me. I moan and dunk under water, I see all the boys are in their boxers. Buttoned. when I resurface I turn toward Nate and wrap my arms around his neck. I here the other boys chatter trying to give us space. I see a waterfall and have an idea. I drag Nate behind there and find a cave being the waterfall. Nate jumps up and helps me up. Suddenly I'm against the cave wall. Both me and Nate smiling mischievously. Oh what I'm gonna do to him. We kiss and Nate lifts me up to him, I have my legs locked around him. One hand playing with my butt the other with my hair. I grind my hips together roughly. He groans. He unhooks my bra and tears it off of me. He sucks on both my nipples causing me to moan. He moves his hard against me. He slowly brings me down to the ground. I flip him on his back and straddle him I trace his abs with my tongue while softly massaging him. I widen his legs enough for me to fit my knees in between them. He realizes what I'm gonna do, and says my name he knows I know all the right places. I smile at him. I slide his boxers down and put my mouth around him. When we finish I do the same to Jason who let out just as many moans as Nate. I didn't let us go any farther than that knowing neither of them brought a condom and I'm not nearly stupid enough to get pregnant.

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