Chapter 26

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I wake up with cold water splashed on my face. Well my whole body. The shower. I look up I have on my running clothes. My sports bra and shorts. Good thing I didn't change into others. I look around my vision blurry unfocused because of the water in my face.

"She's awake." Jason sighs.

"Here." Dean says as he lifts my upper body onto his bare chest. Positioning him and me so that the cold water was still raining on everything below my chest.

"Fire." Dan said. "You're power has something to do with fire." He looks at Dean.

"Do you think-" Dean starts. But is cut off by the shake of Dan's head.

"If so she'll be the most powerful supernatural being ever." Dan pauses. "As well as the most hunted and most sought after. Not only is the heat from her powers but it is no doubt an increase in her sex drived do to the amount of mates she has and will have. It will increase with each acquired mate." He said.

"Basically a horny pill." I sigh.

"Precisely." Dan nods. "On overdrive. But I have a feeling with all of your abilities you can add ignoring your highly increased sex drive to the list soon enough."

"It was already high enough." I sigh and nudge into Dean's chest. That's when I realized he's practically naked. His boxers.

"Shit." Nate stepped back.

"What?" I ask him.

"You're eyes just changed color. There back to grey now. But they were like cat eyes." He said.

Dan raises his eyebrows. "Gentlemen I'm pretty sure there was a reason for her cat eyes." He said as he waved his hand in Dean's direction. I can tell I'm blushing, and can practically feel all their eyes on me and Dean's smirk.

Sexual Scene

They turn off the water and walk out of the bathroom stall. I can hear them lock the door behind them. "Assholes." I mutter. "And now they're just gonna use my fudging eyes against me." Dean chuckles. I can feel his hard. I turn around and straddle his waist. I wrap my arms around his neck and he gets a better view of my chest because of the way my upper body is positioned. I look at his lips then from eye to eye. I pull until our mouths collided. I grind against him pulling a groan from him and he pulls away from the kiss sucking on my neck in multiple places. I suck behind his ear, then I nibble on his earlobe. I can feel how large he is between my legs.

He plays with my bra and pulls back. I nod. I try to get it over my head but I wasn't fast enough for him. He extracts his teeth and rips my bra. He retracts his teeth and stares at me admiring me. Slowly he kisses below my ear. Moving down slowly. He sucks on my nipple, as I trace his ab line. I thrust into him wanting him now. He picks me up careful of his steps because of the water. He carries me over to the leather benchlike couch as wide as a king bed in the far end of the bathroom. My chest pressed against his. He sets me down gently. He puts his teeth on my shorts and pulls them down slowly. I can't stand how slow he's going. He wants me to show him that. "Deeeannn." I moan. I push of my shorts, and push his boxers off.

He discards the clothes onto the ground. He puts a knee on each side of me and spreads my legs. He leans his head down and licks me. I shiver causing him to pause. He lifts his head up and starts playing with me. He positions himself and slides himself inside of me. He thrusts a couple times then I flip him over I suck on his chest I feel him shiver and he moans my name then flips me back onto my back. Thrusting faster and faster, then pausing teasing me, knowing I'm almost at my max he nips at my nipple, than begins to thrust slower. I grip onto his arms warning him I'm at my max. He thrusts faster and we give out simultaneously. He pulls himself out of me gingerly. Careful not to hurt me. We're both breathing hard. He plops onto his back and reaches over me, grabbing a blanket from one of the drawers beneath the king sized couch. He places it over both of us. I crawl over and get him a pillow, the next drawer. I hand it to him. He takes it putting it under his head then pulls me on top of him. I entangle my legs with his.

End Sexual Scene

I grab his hand and check the time on his watch 10:30 p.m. I must've been out for a while. I nuzzle my face into his neck. He wraps his arm around me. The others can use the private bathroom, we're going to sleep. Good thing all the rooms are double soundproof. He traces my back with his fingers until I fall asleep. 

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