Chapter 14

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           Jason squezes me tighter. Maybe he's afraid I would fall without him. He might be right. But I take his hands and unrap them. He watches me. He sits down and forces me into his lap. "Talk." He tells Jack. Jack nods.

          "Someone contacted about Rob." He looks at me. "I don't know who, and I don't know how they know our relation." He looks at Jason who is growling at him. "Oh shutup. You know her past you know her job, you must know what she's done with her life. Get over it and grow up. I know Alphas. You've more than likely banged almost every girl in your pack." Jasons about to stand up with me on him, but for some reason out of no where I growl at him.

          "Jason he's right. Shut up and let him talk. This isn't about us. This is about ROB." I stare him down. He hangs his head and nods.

          I nod at Jack to continue. He clears his throat and glances at Jason. Regretting the disrespect to an Alpha. Even if its not of his own pack. "I'm sorry sir." Jason just nods.

           "Well, someone called me. An unknown number. I tried to trace them. Came up a dead end it was a disposable phone." He sighs.

           "They told me to tell you that unless you join their side in the war they'll kill him. He hinted that you made the mistake of hurting someone close to him." He looks at me curious. That guy with the necklace. I killed his wolf friend. I just shrug my shoulders as Jason tenses.

         "He said he knows you better than anyone and you'll make the right choice. To save Rob." Jason grabs my hand.

          "What war?" Jason asks. With a little fear. "Why does he want her on his side?"

           "He said the war against species is coming, the war against supernatural beings." He paused. "And he wants the most powerful person alive on his side.

          "And who's that?" I ask fearing the answer.

           "His daughter a hybrid. Alexis Waters." I jump out of the chair.

          "No my father doesn't know I exist. My mother ran away from him when she found out she was pregnant."

         "Is that all that was discussed?" Jason asked. Alpha mode on.

          "Yes that's everything he told me. Besides the fact that he said she'd know where to find or contact him

            "Ok." Jason turns toward me. "We will finish this at the pack. Peirce and Nate are on their way." he dismisses Jack with a nod. Jack leaves nodding to the both of us.

           "They will be here in ten minutes." He walks towards me. I step back. "Alex." He says in a sad voice. I shake my head and turn my back to him. Because of our mate connection I can feel his sadness, and his anger. Not anger towards me, but anger towards Nates dad. He grabs me. I try to pull away but he hugs me tight to his chest. I cry there on his chest. Now the only safe place, the only person I trust besides Nate. I cry for Rob, I cry for my mom, and my stepdad. And I cry because I don't know what else to do.

          Jason whispers in my ear. "Everything's gonna be alright. We're gonna get Rob back." Over and over again, knowing that's all I need to hear right now. It's all I want to hear. I stop crying and Jason wipes away my tears. I look into his eyes. He looks into mine. And I realize that I love this man. And that scares me a little. It's a different love then the way I loved Ryan. This feels more passionate, more safe, and most importantly it feels right. I smile a little. Jason hugs me and from our mate connection I know he feels the same way. He kisses my forehead.

          "Everythings gonna be alright. I promise you." He tells me seriously. And I know he won't stop untill I'm happy. Until I have my little brother. He stands me up. "They're here." He hugs me again. Nate barges through the door breaking it.

          He comes to me and hugs me. "I'm sorry Alex, i feel like this is all my fault."

          "It is in no way your fault Nate." i hug him back.

         He pulls out of the hug. "We will stop at nothing to find him, and bring him back safely."

          "You're gonna be mad at me. But I called the school to move the test date back." He tells me cautiously. How dare he! He knows how much that test means to me. I start to get really angry. Jason hugs me from behind and pins down my arms. The anger dissipates.

          "Listen." He whispers in my ear. I nod. And breathe in deeply.

          "They asked why. I told him the truth. That your little brother was kidnapped. They saw it on the news but didn't know it was Rob. They said there was no reason to take the test. They know you would have aced it. They said they will put in the grade themselves. You're done school." He smiles a sad smile.

           "Thank you Nate. I appreciate it sorry for freaking out. Thanks for being practical." Jason lets go of me so I can hug Nate. I do. He picks me up a little he squeezes me so hard. Good thing my ribs are already all healed. Jason's pack doctor gave me a little something to help it heal even faster then normal. Jason growls a little at Nate and me, but he sits down. Nate lets go of me and I walk over and sit on Jasons lap. He wraps his arms around me, and settles his head in my neck.

          "Alex it's time we told you some things." Pierce tells me sitting down backwards in the chair.

           I nod my head slowly. Jason sits up straight and tenses. Pierce continues speaking. "Alex I'm your Uncle." He pauses. "On your moms side of course. You're mom only had two brothers. Me and my brother the Uncle you lived with." he sighs. "My brother was the kindest man I knew. I was confused why he had done all these things to you." He looks at me in the eyes. "Until I realized it wasn't actually him." My eyes widen.

          "What do you mean it wasn't really him." I ask.

          "When me and Jason went that night to drop you off. That wasn't my brother. It looked like him. But it sure as hell wasn't him." He looks at Jason, and nods.

          "That man is the guy that killed my mom." Jason whispers. He whispers as if he says it any louder he will break down. I squeeze his hand in reassurance.

          "I tracked down Pierces real brother. He was captured by the same guy that took Rob. We think he may be dead." Nate tells me. Pierce looks at the ground.

          "Theres more." Pierce says still looking at the floor. "Your mom was a werewolf."

           I narrow my eyes. "Is that suppose to mean I'm a werewolf?"

           Pierce nods. Jason squeezes my hands as my heart rate quickens. "When you turn for the first time it will be very very painful, because your mom was an Alpha. Because she was the oldest of the three children she took the alpha title of her pack. But when she had you she emerged our packs and became a rogue and finally found her mate. Your step father."

          "So who was my real father." I asked confused.

          "We believe your father is a vampire." Jason gets really tense, as do I. "Not just any vampire, one of the most ancient vampires of all. The most powerful vampire."

           My eyes widen. "No." I shake my head. I laugh. "Nice joke guys, now come on tell me the truth." I look at them and see the expressions on their faces. They were telling the truth.

          "Also," Pierce sighs. "Every female werewolf turns on her 18th birthday. And yours is tomorrow. And we don't know how to deal with your vampire half. Which should also come out tomorrow." His face turns grave as he turns toward Nate.

          "We may have to contact Dan and make a deal." Nate says his jaws clenched. "And that deal will probably start a war."

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