Chapter 4

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Okay everybody I'm adding 7 more chapters today cause I feel like a complete as* for telling you I was gonna update more and forgetting yet again that wattpad existed. Not that you guys even care about this book cus its crappy, but anyways here ya go.



While entering the car I slammed my head on the top of the car. Alex can't stop laughing at my stupidity. I glare at her playfully, she tries to suppress her laugh but can not. I put my hand to my head and expect a bump. Instead I feel a thick liquid. Blood. I pull my hand down. She sees it. "Sorry.." She mutters.

I laugh at the look on her face. "It's not funny!" she slaps my upper arm. I see the soundproof window is up in the car. I wonder what Pierce and the kid are talking about. "Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine, only hurts a little bit." I smile at her.

"Do you have a first aid kit back here?" She looks around the back of the car

I nod and wince slightly. A severe headache on the way. "You okay?" she asks concerned. I nod and wince again. "No you're not. Damn, how hard did your hit your head? Nevermind. Where's the first aid kit?" I point to the secret compartment in the seat. She opens it and takes the first aid kit out.

"Lights?" She asked scanning the back of the car for some added light. She spots some on each side of the car, she clicks hers then reaches over to my side and tries to click the thing on but it's stuck. I try to help her. "Your not suppose to move." she glares at me then goes back to the light. I chuckle-"or laugh." she sighs.

"I've taken bullets before. I'm sure I'll survive." But i let her try and get the light she stuggle for a little bit but gets it. As soon as she does, not expecting it to give, she falls into my chest.

"Sorry," She mutters at me and I look at her lips, her eyes, her lips, and her eyes again. I see her do the same thing more quickly. She is on my lap right now her hands on my chest from when she fell. I lean in to kiss this complete stranger, she does the same. Our noses touching. We're about to kiss but she pulls away. She sighs loudly, looking anywere but me.

"I'm sorry. It was my fault. I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I sigh and grab her hand. We entangle our fingers together.

"Me either. It's more my fault then yours, you could have concusion for all we know.

I laugh, "I don't have a concussion. I see a smile tug at her lips, but she quickly covers it with a straight face. "At least I don't think I do..." I say jokingly. She punches my arm. "Ow!" I say more surprised then hurt. But I can tell it's going to leave a bruise. I could tell she barely used any force. I would hate to be on the recieving end of one of her angry punches. I mean she half-heartedly punched Amanda, and even with her fast healing it may take a week or two to heal.

"Sorry." she grimances, "I didn't mean to hurt you. I just-sorry." She apologizes.

I laugh at her. She glares at me playfully. "You know what I'm considering not fixing that head of yours. Just gonna let you suffer." She threatens.

"Oh thank God!" I say pretending to be scared of her nursing skills.

"Whatever. Just for that," She slides over to the other side of the car, first-aid kit in her hands. "If you wouldn't mind?" She's asking me to put my head on her lap. I do, I put my head sideways on her thigh facing away from her. "It's actually not that bad of a cut just bleeding a lot because it's a head injury." She opens up the first aid kit and cleans out the cut. "I take it we don't want to cut your gorgeous hair?" She jokes but I shake my head.

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