Chapter 27

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I wake up to Dean kissing my forehead. "Think we should unlock the door, they've been banging on it for hours." I groan. I'm still so tired. That sleeping pill is still affecting me.

I mindlink them. 'fuck off we're trying to sleep, fucktards'

"I told them to fuck off."

'You still have three hours the guys are just being douches.' Ryder said in an open mind link.

'I swear if you two don't fuck off I'm gonna have Dean fuck you.' I joke with them. 'Oh wait you might enjoy that too much.'

'So you guys did do it?' Nate says, 'and apparently it was good.'

'You're literally so gay for not liking men.' I told Nate.

'She liked it Nate she just didn't want you to know she enjoyed it with him more than you because you're a peanut.' Jason says, he chuckles in the mind link.

"Shit." I mutter.

"What?" Dean asks pulling me closer.

"I may have unintentionally started a who's dick is bigger fight." He chuckles.

"Oh I already know it's mine." He says very confidently. I chuckle at him.

'At least I'm not in last ALPHA.'

'Guys seriously let us sleep. If you don't stop I'm going to block you.'

'Don't you dare block us. There might be an emergency.'

'ok but let us sleep please. Ask Nate to suck your dick, I'm tired.' I tell him. Chuckling. I can hear Ryder laugh through the link.

'He refused to put my obviously larger dick in his mouth.'

'Oh shut it peanuts, I love you's.'

'I love you too, wait was that a reference to our dicks?' Nate asked.

'obviously only yours Nate. Night love.' Jason said. 'Love would you tell Nate that I do not want to see his peanut sized dick?'

'Nate keep your private parts to yourself, unless both parties agree of course.'

'we'll see.'

'now leave me alone. go back to sleep.'

'k' they say in unison.

I nuzzle back into Dean's neck. I'd go for another round but we've already done it three times and today's gonna be a busy day. I pull out of his neck and kiss his lips, he kisses me back. I pull away reluctantly and settle my body on top of his. He kisses my forehead. "Get some sleep." I mumble mhmm into his neck.



"Bitch." Dean smirked at Sam.

"Will you guys stop. You're not being very quiet. Picklebums." I tell them.

"Picklebums?" Dean asks.

"She has her own language." Nate chuckles.

"I see." Dean says as he grabs me from behind and kisses my neck. I playfully elbow him in the gut. Then I here something.

"Shh." I hold my finger up to my lips. I circle around. "Someone's here, but there's no scent."

"What are you talking about?" Ryder asks, disbelieving.

"I said someone's here."

"Wait. Since you found out you're a lichen you haven't smelled of anything. I haven't realized it until now but you still don't smell like you, you smell like Dean." Dan says.

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