Chapter 8

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A/N: When it doesn't say who POV it is in a new chapter it will be Alex's, as she is the main character.

"Well, well look who it is." I turn on my heels defensively at the familiar voice.

"What are you doing here Jack?" I hiss at him. He looks at my hand in Jason's and raises his eyebrow's.

"Well there Jas. Finally found your girl I see." Jason growls warningly at him. "Easy there buddy." Jack raises his hand. "Just observing." Jason eyes Jack up and down, he pulls me by my waist closer to him. He relaxes as soon as our sides are touching.

"You two know each other?" Jason asks.

"Very well actually." Jack nods.

I roll my eyes at him, he just smirks at me. "Jason can we please go?"

I ask him. I could tell he saw that I was uncomforatable. "Of course." He pulls me away from Jack.

As we round the corner he pulls me in front of him. " Jack is my best friend. I may not trust him with girls, but I do trust him with my life." He looks at me to see my reaction.

"Me neither." I muttered.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Oops didn't mean for him to hear that.

I fidget uncomforratible under his stare. " A couple months ago, I saw someone through my window, the next day neuds of me where leaked over the internet." I pause when I see his whole body go rigid. I rub my hand up and down his arm. He relaxes a little. "Me and Nate got on his computer and traced it." I pause. " We traced it back to Jack."

"I'm going to kill him." He starts shaking with anger.

"No Jason." He won't look at me. "Dammit Jason look at me!" I yelled at him. He looked at me shocked. "I already kicked his sorry ass. You are not ruining your friendship because of me." I tell him sternly.

"Fine, I won't kill him, just kick him out of town." He tries to bargain.

"Jason." I say warningly. " My mom always told me, keep your friends close and your enemies closer." He looks at me confused. "I'm angry with Jacj but I don't consider him and enemy." He's still confused. "The friendship you two shared before me is strong. I am not going to ruin that. But Jason I have my ways, all of those pictures are gone. If you ruin that friendship because of me and something that no longer exists, then I will have to find somewhere else for me and Rob to stay."

He thinks about it for a while longer. '' Fine, but for you not for him."

"And Jason, please don't tell him I told you, he will never let me live it down." I told him.

"Whatever, I will try. But no promises if he or someone else brings it up." He tells me.

"Thank you Jason." I quickly peck him on his cheek.

"You know how cruel it is of you to tease me like that?" He asks shaking his head.

I smile at him. "Yes, yes I do."

He shakes his head at me and grabs my hand. "Let's go find Rob, and them."

" Can I go for a walk first?" I ask him. "By myself? I would like to look around."

He hesitates. "Fine, but please be careful, and stay within the walls." He says almost concerened.

"I will." I promise him.

"In an hour or so meet me in that building." He points to a very large apartment looking building about a half mile to the left of us. I nod and start walking away from that direction. He starts walking to the building we are suppose to meet him in.

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