Chapter 5

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Flashback continued...

Jason's POV

I didn't expect her to actually answer me, to tell me what her Uncle did to her, I expected her to tell us the type of man he was not her whole story which I asked for. "Ever since I was young my mom taught me to defend myself. To protect myself if the time ever came. She taught me control, and when to not use control, she used to say, 'control is key, but sometimes when danger is life or death, control needs to be let loose.' First I was taught control. She spent months, maybe a year on it. Then once I perfected it, she told me that. Ingrained it into me. Trained me into situations, taught me when it was necessary to take control of your emotions, and taught me when it was necessary to let them control you." She sighs remembering her mother.

"I was angry with her. 'why didn't you start with this instead of teaching control?' I had asked her many times. Sometimes in great anger. She never once lost her temper with me. She'd say, 'control is power, even when you let your emotions free, when you let your control go, you need to have the control to reel it back in. To calm yourself down.' She taught me so much. I loved her so much." She takes a moment. "I use control all of the time. When I needed to cry, to get something out, she would take me downstairs, hand me a pair of gloves and tell me to punch the bag and let the control go. She'd tell me that the downfall to control, is that sometimes you have to much, that you hold all your emotions in and that one day, you'd go crazy. She'd say, and that's not what I want for you. She told me that one day I'd prefer fighting without my gloves, without padding she was right."

She took a deep breath in and a deep breath out. "One day she came home with Rob's dad and told me she was preganant. I was angry with her, I knew she loved him but she told me that she once loved my father too. I ran to Jay, Rob's dad I looked him straight in the face and told him it was all his fault. I told him he had ruined everything. But the next day I told him I was sorry. We told each other we loved each other, and he explained to me how much he loved my mother. That they were made for each other." I shifted akwardly in my seat, that sounded a lot like mates. I see her eyes flick toward me than back to her hands.

"It's ok you don't have to tell me the rest. I know how hard it is." I said concern lacing my voice.

She shook her head. "I have to, or you guys won't understand how much we need to get away from him." I nod for her to go on.

"As soon as Rob was born I was attached to him immediatly. I didn't want a little brother but I was very protective of him. He was of my mother after all. And she was everything to me. Three years had gone by and we were closer than ever I was thirteen, I could tell that my mother and Jay were a little off, acting nervous. Jay left to get food making sure the door was locked behind him. As soon as he pulled out of the driveway there was a loud crash in the kitchen. Mom ushered me and Rob into a closet. It literally had thousands of candles. We hid behind a box of candles and mom went to go check the kitchen. I knew she could handle herself so I stayed there to protect Rob." She took a shaky breath in. " A few minutes later I heard her scream. I Ran to the closet door and opened it slowly. Jay had pulled into the driveway. Our mother was on the floor, guts everywhere." She shook at the memory, pain filled her eyes. "Jay came in the house slowly as if he knew there was danger. He knew where mom would've hidden us. So he came to the closet. Told us that as soon as they were gone to run to call the number on the piece of paper he handed me, told me not to call the police, that the person that number belonged to would handle it. So he went into the kitchen and fought with the other men. It was honestly a blur. They knocked him out and dragged him out of the house. I didn't know if he lived or died. I assume the worst. He was like a father to me." She shakes the memory out of her head. "As soon as I heard the car leave the driveway I ran to the cell phone on the table, away from the kitchen, Rob in my arms making sure he didn't see our mother."

"After I called the number, a guy was there within a short period of time. He ushered us into a black car. He dropped us off at my uncle's house. 'This is were your mom told me to take you if there was ever any trouble. She said it was the only place you'd be safe.' He told me he was sorry he couldn't do anything more. He introduced us to an annoyed Uncle and left us there." She got an angry look on her face.

"Everything was going fine for a while. I ignored Uncle and made sure Rob did too. One day he had a girl over. I was cooking some food for dinner for Rob and he had went upstairs into Uncle's room. The girl got angry thought he was his kid, that he had a wife or whatever and left. He threw Rob in his own room and came down stairs angrily. I was basicly finished cooking just preparing the meal. I had seen the angry girl leave." Her eyes darkened. "He slapped me telling me it was my job to take care of my brother to watch his every move. I tried to explain that I was trying to make dinner for Rob and him and said I was sorry. He slapped me again and said that if he wasn't gonna get what he wanted from the other girl he would just get it from me." She looked me right in the eyes. Her eyes black with anger and hatred for her Uncle. "That was the first night he raped me. I was thirteen." I clenched my jaw, wanting to gut her uncle for what he done. "He'd rape me a coupe times a month at first. Whenever me or Rob made him angry or he had a bad day. It was so painful. Slowly it gradutated to once a week and then sometimes two or three times a week."

"It never stopped. I can't fight him even if I would win, we need him for shelter and food. I couldn't tell anybody, because he has conections everywhere. Everyone's afraid of him." She exhaled loudly. "I can't let him do what he does to me to Rob." She pauses. "When I was 14 I realized I needed a job, I still practiced my fighting skills and my control everyday, so what better way to earn alot of money fast then proffesionally boxing. I quickly climbed to the top of the fights, my mom had taught me well. I realized I needed a manager so called the guy that I called on the night of my mom's death. He said he had the perfect guy. His son. He's four years older than me and was looking for a managing job anyway, and he loved watching the fights. We had gotten really close, he was my first boyfriend." I growled deeply. She ignored me, like she didn't even hear me. " Once I got to the top, they asked me if I was up to fight the boys. Alot of people were skeptical, I was only 16 after all. I accepted the offer knowing I could win most of these fights. Nate grew really protective when I started fighting guys. Said he saw the way they looked at me and there intentions. I had broke up with him but kept him as a manager. We became really good friends. Always there for each other. So that's how I became a fighter. And why I want to get away from Uncle." She sighs deeply like it's all off her chest.

"We'll help you." I said without thinking about it. "I can come by your house tomorrow. We'll make a plan in the car. It's getting late." I look at my watch. She looks to Pierce, and Pierce nods his head.

"There's no way we are leaving you with your uncle."

"This is dangerous, my uncle has people everywhere." she says nervous.

"I live for danger," Pierce winks at her. She chuckles.

"Nobody else can know. Whoever knows will be in danger." She warns, reminding us we have to be carefull.

"We got this." I tell her confidently.

I walk her to the car. Pierce carries the kid and puts him in the passanger side of the front seat. Me and Alex make a plan. I give her a small pocket knife for protection. We get to her house Pierce wakes up the kid, I tell Alex to wait in the car so I can tell Pierce the plan. I go over the plan with Pierce. We walk the two to the house. We put Alex in cuffs to make it seem more real.

We get to the house and knock on the door. The door opens. And I realize the major flaw in our plan.

Her Uncles an Alpha. And not only is he an Alpha. He's the Alpha that killed my mother.

But I act like everythings normal, of course he knows what I am, but he doesn't know who I am.

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