Chapter 25

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"Al!" I hear someone yell. I swivel around on my toes.

"Russell!" I yell back. He walks up to me and pulls me into a hug.

"How's my cousin's girl?" He asks me.

"I'm good Russ. How's it going?"

"Alright." I look around.

"I wasn't told there was gonna be sorority girls here Russ." I glare at him. I glance as Dean goes and starts talking to a couple girls.

"I wasn't told you were gonna be here Al." He winks. "Come on let's grab a drink." I walk behind him as we head to the kitchen. There's a bowl of punch on the table. I raise my eyebrows.

"Dammit Russ. You're really gonna risk this again?" I ask him pointing at the bowl. "Don't you remember what happened last time?"

"I have someone on it 24/7 Al. It'd be fine besides its full ain't nobody stupid enough to actually drink out of it. Just for show." He tries to explain. But I know someone's been drinking out of it. I've seen a few have the solo cups. I take the bowl and dump it in the sink.

"Alex! What the hell?" He yells at me.

Nate stands in front of me. "She's trying to protect you Russell. You know as well as she did how much it cost her covering for you last time."

Russ slumps in one of the chairs. "I know. I'm sorry." He stands up and opens the fridge. He grabs a couple beers. He opens them throwing the caps away and hands one to me and one to Nate. Jason comes in and gets a beer from the cooler.

"Whats up? He asks. I shake my head and smirk at him. "Jerk." He mutters and pushes me into Nate. Nate wraps an arm around me.

"I'm gonna go talk to some people." Nate says then kisses my forehead and walks out of the kitchen. I drink my beer and look at Russ. The beer tastes different, I drink it anyway. When I finish it I get a weird feeling.

"You son of a bitch." I tell him. "God dammit Russ. You asshole." I turn around and look for Nate or Jason. I need to get out of here right now before I do something I regret. I look around frantically for them. I try to mindlink them but it's blocked. Dammit. Push through it Alex.

Russ grabs me and I try to push him away. But before I can figure out what he's doing he gets to good of a hold on me. I look around for someone desperate to make eye contact. No point in yelling even with werewolf hearing they wouldn't be able to hear me over the music, and guests. I see Dean. Russ doesn't know I know him. He looks at me. I mouth help. And his eyes widen. He can't use his vampire speed in front of so many people. He tries to push through the crowd but I'm already at the top of the stairs. He pulls me into one of the rooms and throws me on the bed. He locks the door. Suddenly the heat is unbearable. I NEEDED relief. I run to the rooms bathroom and shut myself in. There is no lock. Who the hell doesn't have a lock on their bathroom door? Ugh.

"Come on Alex you're gonna give in I know it. There's no point in trying to fight it." I WANTED it. Hurry Dean. Please. Please, please get Nate and Jason. Russell starts pulling on the door. This door is even unlike any other bathroom. Holy shit it's literally built for this. For drugging people with a fucking horny pill and not giving them any chance.

"You're really gonna rape me Russell?" I scream at him. "Of all people." i yell. "I fucking kept you out of jail. I thought you were telling the truth."

"You thought wrong Ally," He yelled back and pulled harder. Someone starts banging on the door. Dean. He kicks the door down and I hear them fighting. I can't go out. I have to stay in. I'll give in.

"Alex?" Dean yells. I talk to him through the door.

"He gave me a fucking horny pill. " I'm almost in tears. Not only do I NEED the relief i really WANT it.

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