The Sorting of a Demiwitch

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I almost get nervous when I stood with the tiny tot first years.

"Oh, come on, I'm not scary." I said, when some of the eleven year olds looked at me, frightful.

"I'm only thirteen! A transfer, so, just like you guys, I'm new!"

Thankfully, a few warmed up to me.

One little girl looked at me with interest- like she knew me from somewhere.

The little girl (she was obviously eleven) had long blonde hair pulled into one long braid. The braid was a simple French braid, and was in place. She had stormy grey eyes like mine, and was pale with a few freckles here and there. She seemed about... Maybe four foot eleven? I recognised her from somewhere. The girl had a pretty cool leather necklace around her neck. It had two beads on it. One bed was blue, and had a trident on it, while the other one was a golden colour, and had a picture of the Golden Fleece on it- wait.

"Emily? Emily Phillips?"

"Adele? Adele Black?"

I nodded.

Emily Phillips is my half sister. She is a daughter of Athena, like me. She got here two springs ago- the spring before Percy arrived. She was claimed quickly, like me.

Professor McGonagal suddenly came and gave some speech that wa sprobably the same each year or something.

"Excuse me, Professor McGonagal? Doesn't it get boring, using that same speech every year?"

"It does... Remind me, Miss Black, to make a new one for next year." She said with a wink towards me.

She then took us into the Great Hall.

The great hall was a huge place with four tables, obviously each represented a house. There was one long table at the front of the hall; the staff table.

The ceiling was rather weird- it looked like the night sky, and it was charmed. Hermione had told me that it was. There was random candles hanging down at random places, lit. I smiled and waved at the sight of the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione.

McGonagal then brought out a old wooden stool and a big black, pointed witch hat with patches in some places of it.

The hat began to sing.

(A/N: The song the sorting hat sings is an original one I made up from my mind)

Eh, I've seen weirder things than this. Hopefully I have....

"Oh, years and years ago,

There were four founders of a school.

But one had wanted to go,

For he had disagreed with the other three.

The names were:

Godric Gryffindor,

And Salazar Slytherin (who caused quite a stir).

It also had Helga Hufflepuff,

And Renya Ravenclaw!

So they decided the school shall sort students to be taught by one of them.

They looked for them, and each saw

That they all had their own qualities.

To be in the house of Hufflepuff

You must be caring, loyal, friendly, and sociable

All the houses have other stuff.

For Ravenclaws house:

You must be wise, witty, smart, and shy,

But you could be scared of just a mouse.

To be in Slytherin,

You must be sly, cunning, ambitious, and sneaky,

That's how it's always been!

For Gryffindor

You must be brave, loyal, courageous with smarts along the way,

And maybe some more.

So before I go away,

I must warn you:

Starting today,

Guards will be watching over you.

Danger comes this year,

In multiple kinds.

So you must face your worst fear!

Now lets get this done

May I sort you now?

For that's my job,

So come on now!

Put me on,

For I'm a thinking cap!"

People clapped. Yea, I've seen weirder.

"Anderson, Brian!" Got into Hufflepuff.

I didn't really pay attention until I heard the name:

"Phillips, Emily!"

Emily went up to the hat, and after a momment or so, it proclaimed:

"Ravencl- no..... GRYFFINDOR!"

I clapped loudly for her, likethe Gryffindor table did.

"Now the last one is a third year transfer student. She will be sorted now." McGonagal announced.

"Black, Adele!"

The hall and froze, and was almost scared. Damn they knew I was his daughter by a glance..

I put on the hat and it spoke to me.

"My my, another Black? You come from along line of Slytherins.... But your mother is Athena.... Wise, smart.. Witty.. Cunning, sly.... Ambitious.. Loyal.. Courageous.. Brave.... No shyness... It's a toss up between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor... But considering I see no shyness in you, young demiwitch, it must be... GRYFFINDOR!"

I felt bad, because no one was clapping except Emily. I sighed. Yay. I'm an outcast! Per usual.


Albus Dumbkedore was explaining about dementors and such, and I was pretty calm about it. I could slash them with my sword! He didn't say a thing about that!

I went to bed that night, almost dreading the next day. I'm already an outcast. Always have been, always will. Probably.


Life's unfair like that.


Heyyyy! Cutos to Emily!

Emily has commented so far only! I think............. But........

She's actually is Emily Phillips. Probably not her surname, but I just put Emily Phillips. So, Emily Phillips is one of my favorite followers:


~ Kat

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