Boggarts and Letters

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  • Dedicated to Timmy Brower

I only own Adele Black and my and my own plots and stuff. Yea. You get it. Anyway, this is dedicated to my cosin Timmy Brower, age twenty five, because:

Timmy just came back from Afgahnastan two months ago, so, I thought maybe that I should dedicate a chapter in this book to him. He is not injured. He came back alive, and he was a marine- everything or whatever it means.

I would of uploaded yesterday, but yesterday was the four if July here in America, and me and two of my friends wentto see fireworks at Oswego High School, and did pop its and sparklers on our driveways. Me, my sisters, my mom, and my dad also went to the pool yesterday morning and afternoon.........



After that whole confusing ordeal with the fury, I went back inside. The next few days were kind of weird. I mean, well, I'm a demiwitch. How weird can you get?

"Uhm... Adele?" Ron asked me one time before Charms this morning, Harry and Hermione by him.

"We've realised that if you were anything like your father-" Hermione began.

"You would of murdered us-"

"Don't cut me off, Ron!"

Harry rolled his emerald green eyes. "So, we're sorry. Maybe us four can be friends?" He stated.

I nodded. "Friends. Now, how is this class?" I asked Hermione.

Hermione seems to be more into her studies then Ron and Harry.

"Oh! It's wonderful, easy in my opinion. But first you earn theory in first year, for a but. I think we are working on Vanishing Charms today......"

"That's cool. We didn't have to do stuff like this in America."

"Your from America?" Asked Ron.

"Yea, that would be why my accent isn't British or Irish. It's because I'm from Manhatten, New York City, New York, USA." I smiled.

The door opened.

Professor Filius Fitwick was a tiny man. He had to stand on a pile of books just to take attendance. He had a frizzy white mop of hair. His blue eyes held mysterious knowledge in them- like he knew everything behind the prefix and stuff for the spell.

And that's usaully in a Latin explanation.

"Black, Adele?" His squeaky voice called.

"Here, sir." I announced, politely.


I must say, I was pretty good at the Vanishing Charm. If only that worked with the messiness of my consuler desk at camp...

My consuler desk has a load of blue print, graphic, graph paper and books. Yea. I'm a bookworm- and proud.

"So. Have you ever seen the Statue of Liberty?" Asked Harry at lunch in the Great Hall. I nodded.

"Once or twice. It's pretty amazing; the guy who gave it to us as a gift was French. It amazes me how they managed to bring it from France, to NewYourk City..."

It does amaze me.

"Have you seen the Washington Mommument?" Asked Dean Thomas, who is in my house and year.

I shook my head. "I haven't gone out of date for a while. Well, I did when I was eleven and twelve, but we didn't take time to look at mommuments, sadly."

Lunch was pretty good. I managed to befriend Ginny, Fred, George, and Percy Weasley. Oliver Wood, Alica Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, and Lee Jordan as well. Neville and Dean and Seamus are cool as well.

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