Letters II

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Letters II

I only own Adele and stuff. Yea. You know the drill. The reason that its called Letters II is because it's the second chapter I had with the word Letters in it, so, yea....


It was now around mid Novemeber. And here are some events that you might of missed:

1) Harry fell off his broom at the Qudditch match against Hufflepuff (which, of course, Malfoy is making fun of him).

2) His trusty Nimbus 2000 was ripped into pieces by the Womping Willow

3) He ain't got no broom anymore.

4) Hufflepuff won the match (I'm pretty sure Oliver was tying to drown himself because of it in the locker rooms), but Cedric Diggory (the Hufflepuff seeker) called for a rematch.

5) Rematch didn't happen. And Oliver says that Hufflepuff won, fair and square.

6) There was the first Hogsmede visit, and Harry and I weren't aloud to go. Him because he didn't have a slip signed.

I couldn't go because of detention. Oh I had my slip signed. I'm pretty sure Chiron signed it. I might end up murdering him if I find out he didn't. He knows now much this means to me. Or does he....?

Anyway, Hermione and Ron and the twins got back this morning at about eleven o'clock- poo, I mean four o'clock this afternoon! Six hour time change ain't good. It'll be weird when I visit camp this Christmas break....

"See? Look at this candy! It's blue!" Hermione said.

Blue. Blue candy!

"Hermione! Can I have some of that? You see, me of my friends back home has this obsession with blue food-"

She shrugged. "Sure. It's muggle candy. Salt water taffy. I don't really like it."

Salt water taffy. How relevant.

"Cool! Your the best, Mione!" I smiled, grabbed parchment, and began to write a letter to Percy.

'Dear Percy,

Hey! How are you? Just wanted to say that I'm coming to camp for the holidays. I know you, Annabeth, and Thalia are gonna be there, so, I thought I'd come!i haven't seen you guys for

Iike, eternity, it seems!

So, I got the three of you Christmas! I got Grover something as well. Even got something for Chiron.

Okay, I wanted to ask you a question:

Do people ever talk about my father where you go to school and such? Because, well.... A fury was at school a month ago or so. I'm not sure which one it was. They all look fairly similar to one another, like identical triplets.

Anyway, she spoke a prophecy. I'm pretty sure it's about me. Here is part of it:

'Black and Red will soon become one-

Unable to doubt it right then,

But the two are in love with eachother.'

I have an idea, but I'm not quite sure.

Like, my last name is Black, right? And there's a guy named George here who is pretty cool, and he has red hair. I sort of have a crush on him, maybe? But that's only part of it.

I don't want to tell Chiron about it; unless he already knows. He always freaks out with these things, and he shouldn't be anymore worried.

It might be a little nursery fabel rhyme thingy, you never know these days.

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