Those Days Where I Hate Being A Demigod

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Those Days Where I Hate Being A Demigod.

After that little insanity attack, I have been very cautious- so has dad, mind you. I can't go anywhere without a guardian or something. It is quite annoying, actually.

I can't go to the kitchen without Harry or somebody. When I go to the bathroom?

Somebody (usually my dad) is outside that stupid, idiotic door! I mean, gods, dad, it's the bathroom.

When I sleep?

Oh gods you really don't want to know.

But I'm going to tell you anyway. You know you love me.

I sleep, in my bed that's in my room, but dad has put his bed in my room as well. Don't you think that that's a bit obsessive?

A bit?

Pardon me- I mean VERY obsessive.

However, that's not even the worst part of it- dad won't let me go to the Qudditch World Cup. It's the Bulgarians against the Irish! It's got to be good! Even Hermione is going- and she isn't really a Qudditch fan...

I love Qudditch, if you didn't know that already. I am planning on trying out for the Qudditch team this year.

Today, Harry went over to the Burrow. Dad, again, wouldn't let me go, because somehow I'd never leave...

Probably the truth.

So, surprisingly, I was left home alone! Dad was having dinner there, so I was alone. I took the time to practice with my sword and dagger and spear.

Yea, yea, dad said no training in the house. I'm technically not training- I'm practicing.

For practicing today, I wore a dark blue sports bra, a pair of black basketball shorts, some Nike sneakers, and ankle socks. Today, courtesy to my metamorphogus powers, my hair was a nice bright blonde in a pony, and tan skin with stormy grey eyes. I looked like a real Athena kid. It made me feel good.

Anyway, I was practicing my archery, and my aim was off because I heard a creak from Kreacher the house elf moving. I ended up hitting my dad's favorite vase.

Yes, my father, Sirius Orion Black has a favorite flower vase.....

It is quite disturbing and weird, really...

My stormy grey eyes widened and I fretted on what to do. I can't really use magic at the moment, now, can I?

I think the worry that filled my veins made my brain tick, because that was when I began to shake. All of my weapons disappeared back into my room (thank you, Kreacher, he actually likes me, which is actually a good thing), and I remember falling down against the couch.

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