Police Station ♠

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" Miss, do you mind explaining again what happened? "

"Like i said asshole. I was out with my brother and his friends having a few drinks N having a good time until I felt weak nd drowsy. Next thing I know I was being dragged in to a car by my brothers friends and.. I-i was raped by one of them while the others just stood and watched. They left me and I don't know where they are" I repeated for what felt like the 10th. time. This shit was emotionley draining. Ted stood next to the police officer angrily, his arms were folders and his face showed betrayal and anger.

"I can't believe them fucked did that to yo-you know.. I'm so godamn pissed! I need to go call someone, be right back" Ted stuttered out angrily, leaving the room with his fists closed tightly.

I sighed deeply and looked at the police officer. He grumbled to himself and wrote down a bunch of notes in his notepad.

"Lorna?" I turned round to see the man from the bar last week. I think his name was John Lowe..

"Oh hello" I say quietly, my voice scratchy. He walked in to the room observantly and with a confused look taking the notepad from the man and quickly scanned over them. His eyebrows furrowed together and his lips parted.

"Wow.. Miss White. This happened in the hotel? Were the boys also from the hotel by any chance?" His eyes repeatedly darting over the notepad and occasionally looking at my weak form.

"No, they were my brothers friends. Oh, I think they are at his hotel with him.. Erm I think its like 5 miles from here near the posh food place down near the beach" I reply. He nodded and gave the other police officer his notepad back, who continued to write down notes on which I just said. John walked closer to me and kneeled down and rested a hand on my knees.

"Miss White I promise we will avenge these men who did this to you. Know one should have to go through such a thing you went through last night. if there is anything you need at all, get Iris to take you to my hotel room" John said with a sad smile. Tears welled up in my eyes and I let out a breathy laugh quickly wiping away my now fallen tears.

"Thank you so much for your kindness, I am forever in your debt Mr Lowe" I hugged him. He softly wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. I let go of him and he stood up quickly, brushing away the creases in his pants and shirt.

"Come now, I think your brother left the building a few minutes ago. I'll take you back to the Hotel" He offered, I kind smile appeared on his face. I nodded and stood, he chucked me my coat off the hanger from the other side of the room, and off we went to Hotel Cortez


Updates are going to be slow as the device in which I write this, is broken and I'm having to use my crappy laptop ):

But thanks for reading. Be sure to give it a vote if you can! (:

Lost Cause // James MarchWhere stories live. Discover now