Terror ♠

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I sat on my couch. Typing away on my laptop. I'd been focusing my mind on my work lately instead of my traumatic event. My brain was working faster than my fingers so my fingertips hurt due to how fast and hard I'd been pressing down on my keys. I was getting hot due to how fast my body was working and how hard I was thinking. I breathed out dramatically and unzipped my hoody and wafting my top making some breeze.

The sun was blazing through the window right on my back and it was getting irritating. I stood up and pushed open the window letting little breeze in to my room and the loud street noises in as well.

I plopped back down on my seat and leaned my chin on my hand which was being supported by my elbow on the table. I gazed at the wall in front of me, not taking my eyes off it like it would move. This hotel was bound to be more than a hundred years old and I thought, why not learn about the place?

Putting my work a side I lazily typed in 'Hotel Cortez Opening' but I couldn't push my self to press search, I felt as if something was stopping me. I let out a groan and listened to my instincts, pushing the laptop head down I felt as if I did the right thing but then I needed to know about the place. This war inside my head was annoying me so I stood up and went to the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror, observing my broken state. The lights flickered above me and weird noises came from the toilet. I brushed it off and turned the cold tap on but weirdly no water come out. I hit the tap a few times but nothing happened, I threw my head back in annoyance and punched down on either side of the basin, but when I did that my lights went out. I let out another annoyed gesture and kicked the closed wooden door.

The shower turned on all of a sudden. The curtain was closed as far as i could see in the dark. The water poured out rather heavily and unevenly. My hands started to shake i reached towards the curtain slowly, I tightly grabbed hold of the curtain un sure of what I was about to see.

With a great big tug I was countered by a couple, whom were injured greatly. Blood poured out their ears, eyes and nose. But they were still fucking each other like there was no tomorrow. My eyes widened in shock and i backed up to the door quickly opening it and shutting it behind me. I breath was heavy and fast. Was that real? I looked round my now slightly lighted room. The curtains were shut, but i don't remember shutting them...

Little light came through my living space and my bedroom was dark. I slowly walked out of the bedroom, making my way towards the door. Creaking came from behind me and I was now running towards the door. Just to my luck it was jammed, I shook and shook the handle.

" Such a scared little girl ain't cha?" The voice was foreign to me, but it was quiet husky. I turned around to see know one there. My bedroom shutters were now shut and not left open like I left them before.

I let out a cry and turned around once again to open the door handle. With much effort it opened and i sighed and ran out the hall way. I ran down the hallway like a flash not caring what i broke or bumped in to. The elevator was occupied so I used the stairs which tired my little legs out to the max.

Again The lights went out and above me a door slammed open so that was my queue to fucking run faster. I had know idea what was going on but my mind just had on thing on its mind and that was to get to the fuck away from the hotel. The steps behind me were heavy and fast and I let out a shrilled cry. The lights kept flickering around me. I was so close to the first floor, I could do this!

I screamed and pushed my self even further than before and jumped through the door, I made impact with the carpentered floor and dragged my self backwards, my eyes never leaving the door .

"What the fuck are you doing down there missy?" I turned my head around, my eyes wide with shock. Sweat was dripping down my forehead and all i wanted to do was sleep.

"It's a long story"

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