Past and Present ♠

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The next morning I awoke in my own bed fully dressed and head hurting. Did I just dream all that? No.. It must of been real right? I sat up rested my hands on my forehead and let out a big sigh. I wasn't sure if I was glad it was a dream or if I was ashamed with my self doe doing it after what happened a while back...

Growing up my dad was an alcoholic, he abused me and Ted behind our mothers back. When she found out she was appalled and sent him away to get better. He came back pretty much normal but ended up taking his rage on mum, in the bedroom might I add, resulting in mum becoming a heartless women and neglecting her children and sending them off to a private school in London when we lived in the north west of England. There was such a divide that me and Ted just got used to the neglection and made a life for ourselves, I found theory by writing my emotions and thoughts on paper. Ted liked to help people with their own problems like a therapist.

 I was quite the popular thing in school, everyone knew for the kind person I was and for having a 'fit' older brother, know one saw me as one of the 'neglected child of Lia and Jon White', in fact i told know one of me and my parents relationship, not even my close friends. Only Ted was with me during this stage. During high school i had a boyfriend of 3 years till i was 18, We had a fling in our Year 9, he being in Year 8. He was a total ass back then, messing around with me and making me do things i didn't want to do. But even after everything I always had something in my heart that cared for him. He had cancer for a good period of his life and he was pretty athletic and had an older brother the same age as me. Girls loved him and people hated me for going out with him. But he got sick of me, told me to my face he cheated and didn't love me anymore. It hurt a lot for a good while but i soon got over it with my writing and boys from clubs, especially from Newcastle might I add. I traveled a lot with my friends around England,Scotland and Ireland to different landmarks and clubs for a good year or so, bit I was just wasting time and money. With good grades from my GCSEs and A levels i thought i needed to do something good with my life, I went to University in London for 3 years in English Literature. Safe to say I  got the degree and was offered a job near my university and a good 1 hour drive from my apartment, but it was not for me.. I wanted to travel and explore some where. So i was offered to stay in Los Angeles for a while and send my work to a writing company, so here i am. Writing pointless shit for some magazine for my company back in London.

But enough about me, know one every seems to care anyway. I blew off James and my past and stood up from my bed. An ache stung my stomach making me bend over in pain. Well shit, he must of took me back to my room then last night, what an ass... I groaned and went in to the bathroom for a nice hot shower. Obviously checking if there wasn't anyone fucking behind the shower curtain.


People shoved and pushed me as I tried manoeuvred my way through the large masses of annoying people. My feet and calves hurt and I needed to sit down desperately, bags clung on to my finger tips from many brands of clothing ranges and makeup. My sunglasses were slipping down my nose and kept attempting to push then back up again but failing miserably as the bags weighed down my weak arms completely. Rushing away from the busy streets I found a wooded park with some picnic benches which was quite bare and filled with a couple kids who swung gently on the swings. I sat away from them, isolating myself under a bench under a tree. Placing my bags next to me I gave a sigh of relief. It was nice to feel like a teen again, just to spend all your money and go shopping and buy whatever you want. I smiled to myself but soon faltered when my phone started buzzing, taking my phone from my pocket. Looking at the caller ID I shut my eyes and breathed out. It was my mum, honestly the nerve of the women. I didn't know whether to pick up or not, I smashed my hands on my leg and dabbed my finger forcefully on the green button.

"Lorna, love.. That you?" Her posh northern voice made me not want to speak, little noises just came out my mouth and I found myself unable to speak. I closed my eyes and replied.

"Yes, Its me" I spoke gently, disappointed that I replied so kindly.

"Oh well, I just wanted to check up on you. How's LA?" She stuttered out, I smirked to myself and leaned back against the back of the bench. I was making her nervous. Fuckin brill.

"Its okay I guess. Teds here so I've got some good company I suppose. Work is alright and I just find my self shopping an doing work at night and sleeping often too. Orrrr I stay at the bar near my hotel lobby. Its kinda fun here, lovin the weather aswe-"

"Seems your having a fucking blast then ay love? Work isn't supposed to be fun Lorna. I'd make you work your guts off here, you'd get a blumin good pay n all. Writing is a waste of time, all you do is sit down with your bloody laptop and write a bunch of shit all day! Everything seems so simple for you doesn't it!" Well crap, that took an unexpected turn. Obviously she was jealous that I was having a good time, seems all she wants is to see me miserable.

"For your information mother. I get a good pay and I do work my guts off trying to make a good article for the thousands of people wanting to read my stuff and make my company look good. Fuck you mum, honestly... Do you always want to make me miserable.. you and dad! I'm  glad I left, I hated living with you, even being in the same country as you. Now if your not going to say anything nice then you might as well hang up mother" I reply sternly. I heard her huff down the phone and let out a raspy cough.

" Tell Ted we say hi" And with that she hung up, I took the phone away from my ear and looked at my phone for a while clenching my hand tightly round it. Shoving it back in to my pocket I stood up abruptly and shot off with my many bags back to the Hotel Cortez.


Thanks for reading!

Well.. Seems lil Lorna has got some mummy and daddy problems.. 

Also, sorry for the long wait, I have had a nasty cold all weekend and still have but its not as bad now. If you enjoyed this chapter, pretty please give it a vote, helps me out a lot ;)  

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