Chapter 7

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"You can't change someone's behaviour, all you can do is remind them, and hope that Allah will change their heart"

"Yes" I said softly while faking a blush with a slight smirk which I couldn't resist

"Did she say yes or my ears are ringing" Ahmish Bhai said while teasing

"Stop teasing my daughter Ahmish, I am so proud to have a daughter like her because our prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said 'whoever is put to trial with daughters anyway, but then does good by them, there will be a barrier between him and the hell fire' and I am glad she chose the right one " Abbu said while giving me a side hug followed by ammi
I was feeling sorry for them because they were happy on such news which would never work out

"Poor Ahmad doesn't even know what disaster he's going to live with the rest of his life" Abdullah said with a wink and Ahmish Bhai smirked

"Abbuuu" I nagged

"Stop it you two, although I know you are right but let it be because she's here only for a day" Abbu said with a slight smile

"Huh ammi is in my side, isn't it ammi?" I asked while putting my arm around her shoulder
Just then I saw tears brimming in my ammi's eye. Ya Allah no matter how much we fight in the end I can't bear a single tear on my parent's eyes.

"What happened ammi?" I asked while rubbing her back

"Nothing beta she's just sad because your farewell is near" Abbu informed me
Wow Abbu knows her so deeply. I wish to have the same type of relation with my hubby at the end when we turn old.

"Ammi why do you do that? I'll be in the very same town" I said calming her

"Ammi don't worry I'll bring you a daughter in law better than Ayesha" Ahmish bhai said with a smirk
Everyone giggled at his remark including ammi.

"No one can take a daughters place you naughty son" ammi said while twisting Ahmish bhai's ear

"Ouch" is what all Ahmish bhai could say

"Okay everyone go to sleep, tomorrow will be a hectic day. We don't need to prepare anything for a lavish ceremony because Ahmad said he wants the nikah as per sunnah, so no costly things but there are some arrangements to be made so buck up everyone to your bed." Abbu said and soon everyone headed to their respective bed rooms


"Yup i'll be there in ten minutes" i disconnected the call after informing him
It was soon morning and I had to discuss my plan with Hazal so the first thing I have to do this morning is to set a meeting with him.

I headed downstairs to the living room where everyone were having their breakfast.

"Ammi I am going to Hana's house, I have to do some shopping and I need her help" I half lied

"Okay beta go but have something" ammi said while handing me a sandwich

"No ma I'll have it with Hana" I said in a pleasing tone but ammi being ammi made sure that I drink a glass of juice before leaving the house

I reached cafe in 15 minutes after leaving my house plus it took 10 minutes in making my mom convince that I don't want to eat anything and I had to drink a glass of juice in return because I never said *I don't want to drink anything*. Seriously? Mom's I tell you.

"You are late." Hazal said while gazing his watch

"Sorryyy my mom was after me" I replied batting my eye lashes

"So, did your dad agree?" He asked
Poor thing doesn't know that dad rejected him in the very first place

"Umm no he isn't convinced with you and I need to confess something very important and please don't freak out" I uttered in nervousness

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